[spoiler]What about that sewage reservoir? Wanna continue?[/spoiler]
((Alright)) You stand in front of the reservoir tunnels, knee-high in sewage. Do you go in?
Edited by Juhoveli: 7/18/2015 4:06:28 PMEeewwwww... [b]I go in and start exploring the down-down-down-down-downtown[/b]
You go deeper into the Sewers, through tunnels, down ladders. The place reeks of sewage and muck. As you stride through a rain-water tunnel, you hear a familiar sound from around a corner. A meow.
Edited by Juhoveli: 7/18/2015 4:15:57 PM[spoiler]I shot the cat but it respawned with 8 lives.[/spoiler] [b]I quickly look at the cat to make sure it's a legit pussy[/b] Meow
[spoiler] D: [/spoiler] Yes, it is a legit cat. A kitten, tabby. It scampers about in the water, and then notices your presence. It then scampers clumsily over to you, mewling more.
Edited by Juhoveli: 7/18/2015 4:27:03 PM[spoiler]That was the worst joke I've ever made.[/spoiler] [b]I look at it with a smile on my face[/b] "This isn't a safe place for you, kitty." [spoiler]New friend confirm'd[/spoiler]
It looks up at you with pleading eyes. It mewls again.
[b]I move on and leave the cat alone[/b]
[spoiler] NOOOO OOO [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Fine.[/spoiler] [b]I leave the sewers and look for a market or something[/b]
[spoiler] D:<[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Your settings have recently been changed. Your name is now Sir Cat[/spoiler]
[spoiler] ??? [/spoiler]