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7/18/2015 4:00:46 PM
No, just no. If that happens, it's not bungies fault. Put yourself in bungies shoes. You see the game. You realize that many things are wrong, many are right. You take action. Auto rifles were bad, bring them up. Gally was way too good and gave players the opportunity to completely skip the challenge of many things. So they nerfed it Now the players are mad, because you took away their one way to get something done in less than ten minutes. Bummer So what do you do? If you buff it again it will remain unbalanced and overused. There will be ZERO gun diversity, but the community will be happy... for a little bit. Until they get bored of gally, because they see it 24/7, right in their hands. They never swap it out. It's always their. As a game developer, seeing that outcome lets you know you've failed. The games become stale, because every good plan requires one gun. You've failed, because the players skill is measured by his guns as apposed to how he plays. Ok the flip side, keep it nerfed. FOR A WHILE the people will continue to use it. In fact, they will be sad that it got nerfed and now it is harder to complete things, so they get more. BUT slowly but surely, the daring ones will venture out. They will use other weapons. They will have fun. They will realize a certain weapon that fits their play style perfectly! And they will use it. They will still take down Crota without gally. They will start actually passing around the poison and such on skolas, they will start be more tactical on certain strikes. Overall this will be a long term improvement, and a short term chaos. Players WILL have a better game experience if they venture out from one weapon (same as black hammer, though I disagree with the [i]way[/i] that they nerfed it). TL;DR Everyone will get bored of gally if they don't nerf it. If they [i]do[/i] nerf it, players will slowly venture out to different weapons and overall have a better experience

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