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Edited by Arctic Method: 7/18/2015 3:08:56 AM

Do you agree with me? Examining Update 2.0

[i]My Personal Criticism on Update 2.0 [/i] As you have all read, Bungie has posted the Update 2.0 that comes with the weapon "tuning", or should I say complete destruction of the heavy hitters such as Gjallarhorn and Thorn... [b]1. Auto Riffles:[/b] [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]I-ncrease base damage -Start damage falloff closer to the player to emphasize its role as a close to medium range weapon -Small reduction in base stability. Landing shots at optimal range is unaffected, but repeated precision hits require more weapon -control to land consistently -Boost damage by 10% against AI combatants [/spoiler] I'm glad that Bungie will increase base damage and damage to all combatants by 10% for all Auto Rifles. They’re getting a much needed buff to hopefully get them out of the Gutter. As of now, Auto Rifles are basically irrelevant because of the update/patch 1.1.1 a while ago where they decided to nerf them. Only thing I have to say is SUROS IS BACK BABY!! [b]2. Pulse Rifles:[/b] [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]-Reduce base damage of the medium RoF by about 2.5% -PVP: Bursts-to-kill (all precision hits) is 2 or 3, depending on victim’s Armor stat -Small reduction in base stability. A burst should still land all shots at optimal range, but three precision hits will require more weapon control to land consistently -Increase magazine size on for all base inventory stats[/spoiler] Not too much being done here. Just a nerf to the damage by 2.5%, as well as slightly reducing the stability, and increase mag size. Not much to say. I don't have issues with the changes but I think these tweaks were unnecessary. [b]3. Scout Rifles[/b] [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]-Increase base damage for medium to high Rate of Fire Scout Rifles -PVP: Does not affect TTK in PVP on a Guardian with full health -Increase magazine size for all base inventory stats -Reduce Final Accuracy when firing from hip -Fast firing outside of ADS will be less accurate -Boost damage by 5% against AI combatants[/spoiler] Not much changed really. Getting a tiny 5% vs AI boost. I’m worried Vision of Confluence and the MIDA Multi-Tool might get this class nerfed eventually... Again I think this little buff was unnecessary. [b]4. Hand Cannons[/b] (Oh boy..) [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]-Start damage falloff closer to the player to limit long range lethality -Small reduction in ADS accuracy, targeted at making long range snap-shooting less reliable -Reduce final accuracy when firing from hip -Fast firing from hip is less reliable -Reduce magazine size for all base inventory stats -Reduce base Optics (zoom) for all Hand Cannons -ADS now grants more width in favor of depth[/spoiler] When I saw the update for this I had mixed feelings.. But as many feared, because of the overpower of Thorn, The Last Word and to a lesser extent, Hawkmoon, hand cannons as a whole are getting nerfed, mostly range and accuracy related. It’s a shame, because Thorn, The Last Word and Hawkmoon are all getting specific nerfs themselves, and it really doesn’t seem necessary to penalize the class as a whole, when legendary hand cannons are seldom used as is. The thorn got what it deserved, as well as The Last word and Hawkmoon but, LEAVE THE FATEBRINGERS ALONE (and other PVE hand cannons)! You don't have to penalize other hand cannon non related to PVP. Why does it have to have a 9 round clip? That's the dummest thing I've heard. I really enjoy using The Last Word and the Thorn (if others are using it), but instead of nerfing everything as a whole, why not must penalize those specific guns? I rarely see people using PVE hand cannons on PVP. So why do they have to be nerfed too? This is gonna piss off a lot of people. I think Bungie should of nerfed only specific OP hand cannons rather than all of them. Pretty bummed on this one guys.. [b]5. Shotguns[/b] [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]-Shotgun perks that enhance lethality at range should be less effective when combined with a high initial Range stat: -Reduce Shot Package Accuracy buff by 30% -Rangefinder adds a 5% base Range increase on ADS (was 20%) -Reduce Precision Damage multiplier on Shotguns by 10% -Reduce damage against AI combatants by 10%[/spoiler] I use shotguns a lot! I just like using shotguns in all the games I play. Most of my shotguns have the perks Shot package, Range Finder, Knee Pads, Final Round, or Luck in the Chamber which give it a deadly advantage over other players. I understand why they're nerfing the shotguns. Lets face it, they are OP as f#%k. But instead of making them complete SH*T. Why not buff fusion rifle and Side arms so they are evenly matched? Now shotguns will be irrelevant.. That's not okay with me. I love my shotgons and the THOUSANDS of motes of light, glimmer, and weapon parts I used for my 6 shotguns are now useless. CAN I HAVE A REFUND on those materials please? I'm pretty bummed on the nerf, but I understand why it was needed to be done. [b]6. Fusion Rifles[/b] [i]Specific Changes: [/i] [spoiler]-Slow charging, high Impact Fusion Rifles have decreased Range values -Makes it more difficult to max out Range for these weapons -Projectile Speed for Fusion Rifles is slightly reduced -Emphasizes the need to lead a targets outside medium range -Improve Accuracy for short range Fusion Rifles -Reduce Accuracy for long range Fusion Rifles[/spoiler] I don't care about Fusion Rifles. [b]7. Sniper Rifles:[/b] (ARE YOU F#$%ING KIDDING ME?) [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]Final Round on Sniper Rifles buffs precision damage only, not base damage This change only affects this perk when combined with Sniper Rifles [/spoiler] Thank you for fixing that stupid/annoying final round perk. It is extremely OP! But that's not why I'm upset.. Let me just say RIP to the Black Hammer and Ice Breaker. WHY did bungie have to F@#&ING change those great snipers? Were now moving into anger-inducing territory. The PvE staple is having its auto-regenerated ammo increased from one bullet every five seconds to one every eight. As one of my favorite guns, this has made me quite upset, as now all it means is even more sitting around time waiting for ammo to respawn than before. AND I CANT BELIEVE that the Black Hammer has essentially been blown to bits by having its signature ammo-generating perk pull bullets from your actual inventory rather than out of thin air. It’s the primary reason anyone uses the gun, so now it’s rather pointless. Both these sniper rifles were strong, but I’d argue not game-breaking in any way that required drastic nerfs like these. I just want to thank Bungie for ruining these two beautiful weapons. You think I'm raging? Oh just wait until we get to the Gjallarhorn! [b]8. Rocket Launchers:[/b] [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]Slight increase in base Blast Radius. Grenades and Horseshoes proximity detonation reduced.[/spoiler] The actual changes to all rockets is not too bad. I'm bummed Grenades and Horseshoes is reduced only because of hundreds of motes of light, glimmer, and weapon parts used to get that perk. I didn't want to spend that much material so they can make the perk I wanted less effective. It's quite annoying! But the real rage is not in the perks... Its in GJALLARHORN!!! [b]Gjallarhorn:[/b] What the...? [i]Specific Changes:[/i] [spoiler]-Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds[/spoiler] Before I go into detail about this let me ask you a couple of questions. 1.What is the most known gun in the game? [spoiler]Gjallarhorn[/spoiler] 2.What is the most wanted gun in the game? [spoiler]Gjallarhorn[/spoiler] 3.People keep grinding in hope of getting what? [spoiler]Gjallarhorn[/spoiler] THEN WHY WOULD YOU NERF THE MOST POPULAR/WANTED WEAPON IN THE -blam!-!NG GAME? I don't even have a Gjallarhorn yet. I've played this game for almost 700 hours, which is equivalent to about 28 days. The only thing bringing me back to the game is that one chance a Gally will drop for me! [i]But listen, I do understand where Bungie is comming from, and here is my thought:[/i] [b]One weapon was not meant to dominate a game to such a degree, and this is only a problem among the community because Bungie waited so long to do it. If they’d nerfed it back months ago before it became the game’s lord and savior, it wouldn’t have been a problem.Im just upset I wont get to experience the full effect of the Gally before it will be nerfed. RNjesus hates me, so I have accepted the fact I will never get it![/b] Those are my thoughts about the update. Please let me know what you guys think! And thank you for reading! -Arctic Method

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  • Edited by StayCynical: 7/18/2015 5:12:34 PM
    I mostly agree with these opinions, however you say the Last Word got what it deserved, I have a mixed opinion on that subject. I don't believe it needed to be as nerfed as it was, I mean decreasing the hip fire accuracy is ridiculous seeing how that aim style is how TLW is supposed to be used! Yet reducing the range is a good idea because then maybe more people will use it like an up close and personal weapon instead of as a sniper rifle. In the crucible you have to be at point blank range as it is if you want to do serious damage quickly, and still to kill someone it takes 3-4 shots, so why reduce the magazine size on a weapon that has a small enough mag as it is!? I use the Last Word most of the time with my hunter and it seems to fit its role well, seeing how unlike Thorn some actual skill is needed to utilise its hip fire capabilities.

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