Make it hold one rocket at a time instead of two
Make it Only hold a total of 4 rockets instead of 5
Make it so armor that gives more heavy only gives it 5 rockets instead of 7
Any or all of these are far better than taking away it's power. I could see them nerfing a weapon that you have ammo for all the time like a primary but you don't have heavy all the time and you really only use it for bosses (or at least that's all i use it for). This is one of the only guns in the game that defines the game. You don't take your defining characteristic and totally destroy it. That's like Nike changing the swoosh or Coke changing their colors to blue and white or Batman changing his symbol to BM.
This read will not be for the average joe gamer upset with the changes. Well it's here, the announcement of weapon changes 2.0 Let's think about what we know currently. Ill go over just a few major weapons. Black Hammer: 3 percision shots in succession result in an immediate 3 bullet refill. Gjallarhorn: Wolfpack Rounds, creating a seperate set of explosives to rain down upon the enemy struck by the rocket (or ones near). Thorn: 7 damage DoT, not to mention its great range capabilities. Hawkmoon: Like thorn with great range capabilities, more importantly the chance to hit from 95 to a very rare one shot kill. Icebreaker: OTR ammo, currently set to 5 seconds per. These 5 weapon nerfs seem to be quite complained about. Let's think about it from how we use them, and how we accomplished maybe to much with them. Black Hammer; If you're like me this was generally always equipped during Vanguard strikes. Allowing myself, and any teamates with it also, to finish off bosses abusing an endless rain of massive damage critical shots. Further more, the concept you could infinitely stun lock a majority of the bosses through this tactic. We should all be in agreement that this tactic was extremely over powering to the bosses themselves. Making it to easy. We cannot say what Bungie intended by giving us the perk, it was quite obvious to me its usage upon seeing it the first time. They are changing it to change what we do now, to what they, the game makers, envision. Gjallarhorn: I need not go into this weapon. I am just as sad about its nerf as the rest of the owners who are. I do not blame Bungie though. This weapon, like the black hammer, out classed all other weapons, in their respective categories, for taking down a boss. So much so that a majority of players began to rely on it. While there is nothing wrong with that, it is just not what Bungie had intended. Thorn; Most of us understand how this weapon works to its fullest capabilities. With its impact increased, percisiom damage of 84 is dealt to enemy players. Making 2 shots deal 168 damage. While that by itself allows a third body shot to finish a kill, it was not needed due to its DoT (damage over time) of 7 per tick. This weapon, aside from the one update that reduced poison to 3 or 4 (sorry for my bad memory) has always had this capability. It became popular once given 9 rounds, and a faster reload. Myself personally used it before that buff due to the fact it was still the most over powering and underused weapon of its class (exotic hand cannons). This is a change that should be clear to players, giving others no chance to fight back. Hawkmoon; Why this weapon was ever used more than the 6 shot, slower reloading, 100% chance 2 shot kill thorn is unknown to me. What we do know is that it can, in very rare circumstances, one percision shot kill an enemy player. That in itself did seem unfair, but yet so rare that it wasn't much of a bother to the majority of players based on their complaints of its power. This nerf should be self explanatory. Bungie felt in no circumstances should an exotic hand cannon be one shotting. Seems like a more fair than not nerf. Icebreaker; This is one that players are also extremely outraged by. This weapon has been [abused] for activities such as oracles, and other bossing tactics in locations of damage free zones. Now I would not go as far to say, abused personally, as others have clearly on reddit. I would however say that we used it to its fullest potential of keeping us alive from afar. Now this is the only nerf that makes sense, but also confuses me. Increased regeneration time would have me less likely to use it, if there were another weapon of its kind with a faster regeneration. As for changing the real purpose of it, which we use it for mainly, staying out of a battle with unlimited ammo, not much will change. Ammo will still regenerate, the concept is the same. (I personally have no used Icebreaker since the black hammer came out, even in situations where Icebreaker was more efficient) Hopefully this is a better explanation from a players standpoint. Things will change, they always do. If you're like me it bothers you, but not enough for us to completely miss the point Bungie is trying to make. In the end Destiny is their creation and not ours. We help them mold it, and show them their errors just by playing. This is not deserving of a reward because the reward is Destiny itself. This is more than any of us could have ever asked for. If you made it this far I would like to thank you, and wish you a great rest of your day/night.