[b]After a few hours, I've managed to clear all but two of the possibilities off the list.
One of them leads to little known Back Alley Warehouse.
The other leads back to a local gang of Hackers and Cyborgs.
I choose to go to the Warehouse first.[/b]
You enter the Warehouse. Metal boxes and cases scatter the place, though there doesn't seem to be any life. You'll have to continue searching.
Could still be something here. I'll check before I move on towards the Gang. [b]I start to scavenge through the metal crates and boxes.[/b] Or at least something valuable.
Strangely enough, all of the boxes are empty. Nothing is in the cases either. A raid?
I'm going to kill that mechanic. [b]I check for signs of forced entry, bullet casings, or footprints.[/b] Hmm... [b]After looking, I start to check for hidden panels, or trap doors.[/b] Maybe under...