If you want people to stop requesting only groups with ghorn, then you should have added optional matchmaking, so those without could do that and those with it could choose whether or not to do it. You would have pleased more people doing that than nerfing the wolf pack rounds
I don't have a gjally but I'm am completely against the nerf because the logic is terrible. Here's my point if the people who complain about a weapon being to powerful are bad at this game or if they are not good with let's say the thorn or the last word and then bungie nerfs these particular guns and then said complainers play the game and are still not good what was solved? absolutely nothing except to piss off the people who have grinded to get these weapons. So all it does is punish the good players and then does nothing to elevate the bad players so everyone loses. Currently there is an even playing field and after the nerf it will still be a level playing field so nothing has been gained but god forbid we introduce logic into this. Signed someone who doesn't have a gjally but if I ever get 1 would prefer that it isn't ruined.