I think bungies reasons for the nerf is just another bold faced lie.....they contantly treat us like we are ignorant.
They want to blame the community for overusing the gun they designed to be stupid op?....really
Just tell the truth....they are nerfing, because it's the lazyest way they can make ttk doable by all players, and also so some won't be able to blast through the new bosses in seconds.
It was op for the first year with an extremely low drop chance to keep people coming back to their game just to get a chance at it. See after the first year the game numbers are already there so they drop it down and something else op will probably come out. Then that will make people want that weapon therefore grinding the crap out of the game again. This whole game is designed to mess with people's heads.
I guess......maybe it works that way for some, but I know I didn't play any less after I got the gjallarhorn, and even though players who don't have it, definitely do want it.....I don't believe that there are that many people only playing because they don't have it yet.
Yeah I see what your saying. Like I didn't stop playing when I got mine. But it defiantly kept me coming back for it. Than it kept me playing because it took a little bit of the grind away.