Simple Gjallarhorn fix:
- Xur to sell it soon
- Full Matchmatching in game
I get that some LFG groups 'require' you to have it but that is a product of outside game player searching created by Bungie.
[spoiler]OMG people use heavy weapons to kill bosses[/spoiler]
The Bungie dev said in the interview that the reason they want to nerf G'horn is because they didn't intend for it to be a disqualifier for people to get invited to group activity. Well, jeez, no brainer, if that's your concern, sell it on Xur like you do every other non-Raid weapon (Raid = Word, Fang, etc.) Selling G'horn periodically would absolutely eradicate Bungie's concern without lobotomizing the unique abilities G'horn brings to content to provide other unique ways to get things done. G'horn is unique, just like Ice Breaker and others are unique. Don't lobotomize dimensions of gameplay when uniqueness can be preserved. Don't turn G'horn into just another Hunger of Crota but with Solar burn. I've spent countless hours both enjoying G'horn use, and in helping friends do the weekly reset content to acquire their G'horns. After months of helping on a weekly basis, two guys I help most had not gotten G'horn yet, until one of the two finally got one this week, to their immense pleasure. All of that work, months, you would destroy by lobotomizing the reward? Instead, you could Xur it, and instead even the guy(s) who have worked for months, would still feel that they did the work, and they finally got one. You guys are really missing the boat.