This is the problem, exactly.
OP bosses that need OP weapons to beat them within a reasonable amount of time. Which, for most of us, is ASAP.
Instead of giving us nerf after nerf, give us a diverse and challenging gameplay based on strategy, teamwork, communication, and timing.
I'd rather spend hours figuring out puzzles, mazes and jumping challenges than spend a half an hour mindlessly pounding on bullet sponges.
Bungie's solutions to extending the lifespan of Destiny is pitiful. It shows a lack of creativity, a lack of real content, and a true lack of understanding captivating gameplay.
Exactly. It also shows a lack of foresight and planning. Like they didn't test Gally and Hammer to begin with, at least not properly. Had they done a good job in testing, they surely would have found out that Gally overpowers everything by a literal mile. Did it seriously take a year for them to find out about that? No, I don't think so. There are other reasons for the nerf, namely because TTK is much of the same content and the new weapons are nowhere close to Gally so they had to nerf vanilla weapons to make the content seem challenging and the weapons seem good.