Wow,that's what you took from the topic?Its clear you're an ignorant dumb ass,anybody who reads this thread will see that,I'm not gonna have an argument with an ignorant dumb ass.
Lol see you are angry.
Ha ha sure I am :)
I don't like when you are angry. :(
Not surprised,you love giving dumb opinions for negative attention :D
Nah I just like spinning people up who like to talk down to people.
Sure you do :)
Don't act like you were not mad lol
Sure :D
You are a dumbass tbh
Lol I actually am just wasting some down time at work but thanks for reading it all lol. For the record BH can be fixed in other ways so I really do not agree with the Nerf as it stands. Several different ways to fix it killing perks is not the way to do it.