Or its because I don't want to sit on the forums and argue with some random person who doesn't even have their account linked for 3 hours about a broken gun when I've given full evidence on why it is broken. I don't care if you don't believe it or not, it's getting its rightful nerf whether you want it to or not. Didn't read your last 2 posts, and I'm not gonna read any more, so go throw yourself a party because you think you won an Internet argument. Just saying, having the last word doesn't mean you win an argument. You can be as stubborn as you want, but this weapon update will fix so many issues with the game, and is the best one to date.
You've given evidence of why you believe it is broken and I've countered it with my own points to which you couldn't make a single rebuttal other than to keep saying that infinite ammo (not really infinite) is overpowered. This isn't about winning an argument (LOL) over the Internet. I'm at the Bungie forum because as a player I have my own views on the matter. You happen to disagree with me yet when faced with counter arguments all you can do is flame away and resort to "it's happening deal with it" like a child. I know it's happening and I want to let Bungie know why it shouldn't happen. I haven't linked my account and that somehow makes my points irrelevant? Good one. I've played more than enough to know that BH is more than fine as it is. I don't care to check other people's profiles like that somehow validates their opinion. Some of the weapon updates I'm okay with. Gally. Thorn. TLW. My quip is with the BH and IB, both of which didn't deserve a nerf at all other than Bungie's intention to artificially (once again) increase playing time by nerfing players' tools and not making the game more inherently challenging. If you're not reading my posts than stop replying to them. Seems hypocritical of you to do so. If you don't want to stop wasting time arguing than don't either. Do whatever floats your boat.