For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
Edited by C0deNegative: 7/18/2015 10:08:58 PMI say they just leave it the same but make it an exotic drop only from Crota. Just like the vex from Atheon. Edit: I actually saw a good idea in another post. Go ahead and nerf it, but use the crux on it to make it an exotic and have it work the same it does now.