There is a sudden flash of light, and the majority of the Perthian forces disappear. The Monarchy finds themselves displaced about a mile away from the trenchline. Everything is silent and still for a what seems like an eternity. Then the wail of a hundred bagpipes fills the air as the one thousand Kriegans who did not get teleported away arise from their trenches, bayonets affixed, and walk with a single purpose toward the Monarchy troops. At their head can be seen Sauron Melchior, Antiochus of the Wandering Crusaders and former Lord Commander of the Perthian Imperial Guard. As they walk, the remaining troops begin to sing a dirge in a strange and ancient language, knowing they are walking to their deaths.
"June, This is the end of the Old Militia. Does Milady wish for survivors?" [quote]We can always take more slave labor, but don't go out of your way to make it a priority.[/quote] "And Sauron?" [quote]Mmmm, Leave him alive for Hecate and I.[/quote] "Understood." [b]In a flash of fire and fury, Siris raises his cudgel, Forgefyre, and rallies his unwavering men.[/b] "Sauron lives. Discourage the rest." [b]His hasty, bombastic tone gives the Expedition a new birth: their bodies glow internally, as if fueled by embers. This is the strength of The Army of the Fires.[/b] [spoiler]Did you wanna make a battle or skip to the end?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'd honestly prefer it if Sauron dies with his men.[/spoiler]
[b]The bloody war lasts for hours, but in the end, the Monarchy stands triumphant. The Old Perth guard and Sauron are all that remains.[/b] "Sauron, Sauron, Sauron. What did you think would happen when you challenged us? Your previous ruler was always one of us, albeit tougher and much more conceited. She was a demon, she always was a bitch. But this... this was always the outcome. [b]He raises his cudgel onto his shoulder.[/b] Any last words?"
Sauron stares deeply into the Monarchy Champion's eyes. "I regret that things had to end this way, my foeman. But know this: We will defeat you, and I shall be your end."
[b]He bows his head in respect for a worthy adversary, before spitting a mixture of saliva and blood in your face.[/b] "No, friend, I don't think you will be." [b]The crack of metal crushing metal pierces the stale air. As he lifts the hammer, a scream of fury rises from his lungs and out of his mouth, and his men cheer on.[/b] [spoiler]Great job man, You're welcome to join the quest.[/spoiler]
Edited by Ex PI: 7/19/2015 1:30:05 AM[spoiler]Well, he's not quite dead, I assume.[/spoiler] Sauron crumples, his breathing shallow. But suddenly, he stands, pulls out a dagger, and rams it into Siris's chest as his men, who had been kneeling around him, also attack with an almost unholy fury, absorbing bullet after bullet and blade after blade. Blows that are meant to sever limbs are ineffectual, and some soldiers scream that their bullets pas through the Kriegan soldiers. The 100 remaining Perthians stand tall and keep fighting, until the fifty remaining Monarchy troops race away, with their wounded general slung across his horse. [spoiler]PLOT TWIST: Try capturing someone instead of killing them.[/spoiler]