Okay, so Brink has quite a reputation for being a less than good game but in my opinion, it's actually quite good. The movement is a bit slow but it can be adjusted, and the controls are a bit clunky, but beside that there isn't that much wrong with it, the graphics are alright and the guns feel good when in play. Firefights can be quite fun and the classes with different abilities and how only a certain class can complete an objective is an interesting concept. The skill trees are easy to manoeuvre and the character creation is very good and the characters themselves look appealing. Sadly the storytelling and the missions aren't that fun and multiplayer is literally dead but matches with bots can be entertainment enough. In my opinion it's definitely worth a buy at the low price it's usually presented with, and can be quite fun with some time and upgrades
Brink is a good game in my opinion and you should like it too
Edited by Rhynerd: 7/19/2015 12:02:51 AMI liked Brink too and I can agree with some of what you say, but damn I -blam!-ing hate the bots in that game. Though yeah, some more effort in the story and a little more in-game variety would have done wonders.