Do you really want to fight in front of our third? Don't you think people do that all the time, and that I have just let it go like Frozen? Shouldn't we decide where we want to be before we invite people, so they don't assume they get our positions?
Positions, you say? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Don't we both know what I mean?
No? [spoiler]XD[/spoiler]
What do you mean no? Shouldn't we lock in our spots, make reservations if you will?
Reservations in our bed? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What other reservations would we make with ForrealDoe and Earl?
Dinner reservations at Golden Corral? Maybe the buffet would be enough for all of us?
Do you honestly think that will be enough for us? Don't you think we need more? [spoiler](if you respond I won't know for a week, so...)[/spoiler]
Heeeeeey, isn't this going to be our fourth?
I believe I lost where we left off? Lol
ForrealDoe, I believe, was a little worried about how big you were if you were goin hardcore, and then I believe you wanted to be my daddy, right?
Edited by Nuclear: 7/26/2015 11:07:28 PMWell why not? Would you like to join, of course?
Why not what? What does your second sentence even mean?
Edited by Nuclear: 7/26/2015 11:07:41 PM[spoiler]sorry about that. It was a typo. Edited[/spoiler]
Were we not the ones that started this ménage à trois?
Edited by Nuclear: 7/26/2015 11:40:41 PMPourquoi avez-vous les gars parlent toujours en français? Well of course, but invitation is traditional, no?
Was I talking in French, or using the correct term for what we were doing? What do you mean by your second sentence?
Edited by Nuclear: 7/26/2015 11:44:30 PMI believe you did, but I also think you didn't catch the fact that I used a random sentence of French? And sorry, again, I edited it, but I think I have bad luck in my second sentences?
Why would you invite the host? (Not the forum, but of our hypothetical, and that is fine, and your french sentence made sense to me at least)
Edited by Nuclear: 7/26/2015 11:50:59 PMWhy not if it's a private little party? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (And oh cool. Lol)
Does a host not know better than anyone all about the little parties he creates?
Well wouldn't you be a great addition? Now let's see if Forreal would join us again?
What do you mean addition? Are we not the two that began this? You bottom for this, OK?
Is that what you wish, bb? ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡0)