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7/19/2015 12:49:27 AM

Advice on Quiting Destiny

Now this isn't some "I'm sick of Destiny and all it's bullshit!" rant post. I'm honestly thinking of quiting Destiny all together. So why don't I just leave? Because I feel addicted. For the past 9 or so months, I feel like my life and all my free time has revolved around Destiny. No other video game has consumed so much of my life like Destiny has. It would be one thing if I really enjoyed the game, but half the time I don't, I just find it frustrating. Recently one of my closest friends, who played Destiny with me a bunch, completely deleted Destiny from his hard drive and confessed that "it was an unhealthy habit". I wasn't in the slighest bit upset. Inatead i felt proud of him, because I agree, it is an unhealthy habit. Now i'm not sure if I could ever bring my self to delete all my hard work in Destiny. After all; I have this weird philosophy that you should never get rid of proof of labor. And even though it's just a video game, I feel as though I have put a lot of hard work into Destiny. But i'm getting a bit desperate. I may be asking the wrong group here, but here goes nothing. What advice can you guys give on how to quit Destiny? I've been trying to fill in the gap by playing other video games, but I have nothing new to play, and other games just aren't keeping me quite as entertained (it's like Destiny is crack and other video games just feel like weaker, lesser drugs). When I discovered the Mass Effect series in January of this year (amazing series btw), I felt like I could just enjoy Mass Effect whenever I got frustrated with Destiny. Now that i've beat that trilogy, i've got very little to occupy my free time other than Destiny. This addiction has got to stop. I have no incentive to play this game anymore, and yet it's all I think about. Some people may say to "just pace yourself better and play in smaller sessions", but i'm too affraid I'll get sucked in all over again. I never tought that i'd look at "3 days of no Destiny" as a milestone! So what advice can any of y'all give on how I can quit the addiction that is Destiny?

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  • Don't buy ttk simple as that, destiny will go on and you'll slip too far behind to do anything therefore forcing you to stop.

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  • I recently became upset with the way they are altering the weapons with the update and the way some players on the forums became confrontational if you were "For" or "Against". It has been enough for me and after committing about 2300 hours , I have had enough. It's just not fun anymore when others who don't play on your account tell you how you should or are suppose to play.

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  • Trust me you'll feel much better after a couple of weeks without Destiny. I replaced it with Borderlands 2 and Far Cry 4. I'm not buying the DLC, instead I'm getting Fallout 4 and later Just Cause 3 - both large open world next gen experiences that'll help me forget Destiny ever existed. Good luck. I'm not deleting my characters either, I'd have to re-download and re-install the game to do that.

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  • My tv busted in early January and other personal matters kept me from worrying about it. I went 4 months without playing, and to be honest I hardly missed it at all. I even started to unsub Destiny YouTube channels. I finally got a new tv and started playing. I was immediately sucked back in. It was fun again for a short while, but then I started to resent the game when I fell back into the grinding loop. Step away for a month and you may find its not "fun" that keeps you coming back.

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  • Apparently with video game addiction it takes about 2 and a 1/2 weeks to 'detox'. Also if you delete it off your hardrive you lose the emotional attachment you had to the game because you know it cant be recovered :P

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  • Bump and btw a "habit" is something monks wear

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  • I can never leave. I will always occupy myself with something to do. Even tho I'm still at 33.

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  • ANY video game can become an unhealthy habit, FYI. Doesn't mean you should just give them up all together. Learn some balance and control.

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  • From a serious point of view on other psychological addictions, you need to quit cold turkey for an extended period. Have your support network ready to go, quitting a full on psychological addiction causes depression. You might have to quit video games as a whole for a while. It's gonna be hard as hell. I wish you luck, and encourage you to seek the advise of a therapist if you believe you may be truly addicted.

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  • The easiest way is to wait for you console's paid membership to run out and never buy it back.

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  • I am like you. My plan is to not purchase the DLC and when it comes out I don't think it will be hard to let the game die. Just think about how many times Atheon killed you in a relic bubble or the gate keeper took his sword with him when he died or how bad the best gun in the game is (Necrochasm). How long did it take them to fix these things and how it is more than probable this DLC will be the same way. Try to remember everything is about profit margin and not your gaming experience. Instead of fixing anything they worked diligently on their deadline for new content. When they should have been focused on the gamer and fixed their game. Let your addiction end with the next DLC.

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  • Borderlands 2 is what initially worked for me. Now I'm playing esotu. The desire to play fades quickly when you realize how manipulative Destiny is. I haven't completely given up on the game or I wouldn't be in the forum but I don't really want to play either. Good luck, it's like smoking it's better to go cold turkey.

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  • Destiny doesn't get me high anymore

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  • Take disc out of console, put disc in case. Play different game.

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  • I have a full time job and a wife and kid. I get off work at 12:00 am and will spend time with the fam until they go to sleep at like 2 or 3 am. Then I play destiny until 7 am at the latest cause my shift starts at 3:30 pm. With the limited time I have to play, it's really not that bad. I get on and just play what I want. Either pvp or Poe, only trials on the weekends. It's just....a nice balance. I don't feel addicted to it anymore. When this game came out I was playing 24/7

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  • Go Outside!!!!!!! And Axis Velocity is right. Get a job or career and a family and I bet you dont spend so much time on it. Lol

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  • Edited by Jeff the Cabal: 7/19/2015 12:51:39 PM
    Play different games while playing destiny. If you play destiny and nothing else, it will feel very grindy and addicting. I recommend you to try to find a new game, maybe even multiple new games and play them out evenly. That way it will cut off your super strong addiction to destiny, but also you have some variety in your gaming life. :) I currently play Destiny Advanced warfare ESO Fifa 15 Rocket league Blood borne I've been there man. Let's face it, I am still addicted to destiny, but I still play all these games. The main reason why is it doesn't feel like a grind but instead feels very much enjoyable. It also really waters it down for some reason, if you do something you really like for a whole year, it will get boring. If you eat one thing that you really like all the time, you will start to feel like it's getting old. Just put some variety into it and it will slow down your addiction. I myself was not addicted to the RNG, but rather to the experience of the game. I have over 100+ friends on PSN and about 30 of them get on everyday. The rest gets on a few days a week and a handful doesn't play destiny anymore I don't think.

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    1 Reply
    • A good way would be to play Trials of Osiris. Once you encounter the bullshit that you're forced to endure in this game mode, you'll hate Destiny even more than the 121 million people that hate Donald Trump.

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      4 Replies
      • Delete your characters , once you lose all your hard work u will lose the motivation to play

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        • I went through the same thing around January time and after logging in for countless consecutive days, I was in patrol doing my bounties and suddenly just thought "WTF is the point!? I have everything I want in this game and I'm levelling gear up for the sake of it." I then took a break of about 3-4 weeks and came back to it as my friends did. The difference since then though is that there's no urge to play, level things up or chase a carrot. I play to enjoy the game, I help friends out if they want to do end-game activities and PvP with them. When I got to this stage I actually enjoyed and appreciated the game a lot more for its social and gameplay mechanics rather than enjoying it because of its Skinner Box (Google this theory if you aren't aware and see how it relates to Destiny). The best advice I can give: 1. Wean yourself off it, gradually increasing your time off. You don't have to stop playing, you just need to break the habitual nature of Destiny and manage that going forward. 2. During your 'off-time' try to take up something productive that fills the void: • Reading (highly recommend Song of Ice & Fire series), • Gym • Playing an instrument • Develop RL skills As replacing an addicting game with another game will help in the ST, in the LT it doesn't solve the underlying issue. 3. Ignore the trolls on here, they're likely not self-aware or smart enough to recognise that they're addicted. You recognised that it's an issue for you, now you need act on that. Good luck, OP.

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          2 Replies
          • 1. Kudos to you (OP) for recognizing that things may be getting a bit out of control. That takes courage. 2. Thanks for sharing on here...there may be many who have similar concerns. That openness took real courage! 3. In moderation - is a good goal to aim for in many areas that consume our time and tastes. 4. Reduce your play time, over time, rather than attempt immediate withdrawal. 5. Don't replace one questionable activity with another (potentially addictive) one. 6. Try something different, e.g., reading a book you've always wanted to or meant to! Learn to read music...pick up that guitar, etc... 7. Go easy on yourself - it's a marathon NOT a sprint! 8. Rinse & Repeat steps 3-8, as required! Good luck...and...take it easy! Pax

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            5 Replies
            • No worries man! we got your back! If only it was heroin or something you were trying to quit... At least they have support groups for that! But wow!!! trying to quit Destiny and ON YOUR OWN!?!?! that's a tough one! What's your phone number? I will call and have a long heart to heart with your parents about their ****ed up kid. Then your mom can ground you from video games and your dad can ship you to boarding school where you can grow a pair. We'll work together and get you through these tough times!

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            • I focused my energy on playing guitar. Every time I felt the urge to play destiny I learned something new on guitar.

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            • My controller broke my addition. I play on ps3 and getting ps4 soon so I didn't buy a new controller.

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            • Experience pussy, chase a job, a career or a dream. Build your life, a family - and enjoy it with them That's all I have for you right now.

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            • Ima be honest the best way is to break your ps4. My ps4 broke about a day ago and the withdrawal from destiny has been real. At first I was like whatever but than a few hours passed and next thing you know I sold my Xbox one and had to borrow 100 bucks to buy myself a new ps4. Destiny is more than a game it's an addiction.

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