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7/19/2015 12:49:27 AM

Advice on Quiting Destiny

Now this isn't some "I'm sick of Destiny and all it's bullshit!" rant post. I'm honestly thinking of quiting Destiny all together. So why don't I just leave? Because I feel addicted. For the past 9 or so months, I feel like my life and all my free time has revolved around Destiny. No other video game has consumed so much of my life like Destiny has. It would be one thing if I really enjoyed the game, but half the time I don't, I just find it frustrating. Recently one of my closest friends, who played Destiny with me a bunch, completely deleted Destiny from his hard drive and confessed that "it was an unhealthy habit". I wasn't in the slighest bit upset. Inatead i felt proud of him, because I agree, it is an unhealthy habit. Now i'm not sure if I could ever bring my self to delete all my hard work in Destiny. After all; I have this weird philosophy that you should never get rid of proof of labor. And even though it's just a video game, I feel as though I have put a lot of hard work into Destiny. But i'm getting a bit desperate. I may be asking the wrong group here, but here goes nothing. What advice can you guys give on how to quit Destiny? I've been trying to fill in the gap by playing other video games, but I have nothing new to play, and other games just aren't keeping me quite as entertained (it's like Destiny is crack and other video games just feel like weaker, lesser drugs). When I discovered the Mass Effect series in January of this year (amazing series btw), I felt like I could just enjoy Mass Effect whenever I got frustrated with Destiny. Now that i've beat that trilogy, i've got very little to occupy my free time other than Destiny. This addiction has got to stop. I have no incentive to play this game anymore, and yet it's all I think about. Some people may say to "just pace yourself better and play in smaller sessions", but i'm too affraid I'll get sucked in all over again. I never tought that i'd look at "3 days of no Destiny" as a milestone! So what advice can any of y'all give on how I can quit the addiction that is Destiny?

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  • Ima be honest the best way is to break your ps4. My ps4 broke about a day ago and the withdrawal from destiny has been real. At first I was like whatever but than a few hours passed and next thing you know I sold my Xbox one and had to borrow 100 bucks to buy myself a new ps4. Destiny is more than a game it's an addiction.

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  • I have noticed in the forums, and through talking to friends that there is a trend noticing the addictive nature of destiny. I personally was addicted, not to the RNG, or chasing rewards, this game gave me something to do each day with friends, vanguard and crucible bounties became a daily grind for my three characters and endgame content was only a highlighted undertaking on pre-arranged occasions. That said, having hours of repetitive bounties to complete each day kept me busy, and thus became my driving force to play each day. However once that got tedious I simply stopped, I had all the gear, there was no reward I was chasing, in short I had done all I needed to ages ago, so I had to ask myself why I felt I needed to log on each day to complete bounties. The answer was simple, so I stopped playing. Your situation may not be the same, you said you struggled to find other games you enjoy. You have to ask yourself what you enjoy experiencing in games and find one or multiple that tick those boxes for you and your friends. There are numerous games out there with repeatability, ones you can enjoy with friends, you just have to find them. It really all depends what your into. As for should you quit destiny or not, I can only say that Destiny is geared to fill your time and offers only a slot-machines chance of rewards you may or may not want. If you are looking for a game where you can improve your character meaningfully then RPGs are your best bet. If your wanting to shoot thing FPSs are your calling. I quit because of the lack of content and meaningful activities, you have to figure out why you play the game and if your enjoying playing it. Whatever you decide remember, games are made to be enjoyed by their players, if we simply play because we are addicted we are setting a president for future games to be tailored to repetition without content.

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  • Guile theme

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  • Great game Mass Effect. So here you go, remove destiny from drive an place it in case, insert ME3 an click on multiplayer. Setup of your charactors will take a little time to do unlocks. Start with bronze an work your way up to platium. Best i could do is gold an that was soloing it. Platium is the hardest setting. I spent lots of hours there doing the MP. If you want a real challange do it solo. Bet it,ll keep you busy. I,m still playing Destiny but am wanting for Mass Effect 4 Andromada to come out. Have fun, i still drop in to ME3 from time to time.

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    2 Replies
    • If you honestly don't enjoy the game then why are you playing it? Just how I look at it

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    • Wait.. Do you even have a 34 yet xD

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    • Put down the controller and walk away

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    • Just find new games that will interest u.

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    • The way I stopped playing so much destiny was getting into achievement hunting, this meant discovering new games and having that sense of achievement upon completing them, just a small thing that could help you out :)

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    • Quit for nine years. Come back for final game. Buy all the DLCs. Mega game.

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    • Borderlands was a dollar on humble bundle a while ago.

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    • Try playing old games. Recently found my GameCube in the attic with a collectors edition of the Legend of Zelda. Now I'm trying to 100% Ocarina of Time. I love the nostalgia. Just go back and try playing the old games you loved playing as a child on an emulator or old console and when you're gone from destiny long enough, you won't go back

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    • Edited by TheCaptainM91: 7/19/2015 8:14:39 AM
      Start doing cocaine, become a hobbit, chop off your hands, see a therapist, or... sell/delete the game. The Captain suggests the first three options for simultaneous action.

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    • If it's that hard, here's a tip. But even I know it's hard to quit Destiny Have someone change the password on your PSN/Xbox account. Make it be like a buddy or a wife. That way, you won't play

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    • I suggest Rocket League.

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    • If the unnecessary nerfs to Gally, Icebreaker and Black Hammer aren't enough to make you quit Destiny then nothing will. I'm done cause Bungie doesn't respect the time and effort I put in to acquire the best shit cause they nerf shit to the ground. Auto Rifles, Fusions, OG Vex nerf, Gally, Icebreaker, Black respect. Peace.

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    • I quit destiny shortly after TDB came out for about 3-4 months. First thing I did was delete this app because it keeps you connected to Destiny while you're not playing. Next thing, I removed the disc from my PS4, put it back in the case and put the case out of sight. The first several days were rough but I lost interest soon after. I suggest you do that.

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    • Unplug your power cord and give it to your wife or whoever else you trust if you can't trust yourself to lock it away and not reach for it. First few days are tough but as more time passes on, it becomes easier. If you find yourself slipping or wanting to play the game just go out for a walk/drive. You may even be able to come back and play casually. I clocked in about 1400+ or so hours from the release date to mid Feb or early March. It's middle of July and I'm at about 1500 or so hours, so my playtime has decreased dramatically. P. S. Most important that anything is staying the hell off the forums. This place is part of the Destiny addiction. It keeps you immersed in the game even when you aren't playing it. You'll see posts about drops, tough encounters, whatever else and it'll make you want to jump right back in. Best of luck!

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    • Edited by xitsNatex: 7/19/2015 11:43:16 AM

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    • I recommend going to the gym. If you have 3 hours to twiddle your thumbs, you have 3 hours to exercise. The first couple times are rough, but then it becomes a habit that your body craves.

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    • Edited by xitsNatex: 7/19/2015 11:41:15 AM
      you need to get rid of the destiny app from your phone, stop visiting the forums and reading about destiny. now sit back and ask yourself "Is doing the same things everyday day in destiny fun? is the grind worth it?" only you can answer those questions. also pick up a hobby or go to the gym to fill the void

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    • Go on a small holiday or something and then never pick up destiny again it's what I do [spoiler]except I played it once and then I got sucked in again ~.~[/spoiler]

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    • Any sensible person has a library of games just as addicting...and a whole hell of a lot more consistently rewarding

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    • If you're on the PS4 try Planetside 2 it's free to play and if you get into a couple of good battles four hours might pass without you even noticing it.

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    • Man just wait for fallout 4 then thats where all your time well be

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    • Take 20, 30, 40 dollars, whatever, and go into a discount videogame store like Disc Replay, Gameworld, Etc. And buy as many cheap videogames as possible. By cheap I mean games under 5 dollars, and preferably if they are buy 2 get 1 free. The last time I stopped by a disc replay I picked up 6 games for 18 dollars. This is a good way to play other games, and see what sort of content variety is out there. Obviously pick up the good games, but give the lesser known games a chance too. I bought MorphX for 50 cents. Terrible decision. But at least now I know I own one of the worst games out there, probably up there with Ride to Hell Redemption. If you figure you can complete a game in 3 days, then 6 games will keep you for 2 and a half weeks. So for 40 dollars beating a game every 3 days you will have a new experience more than twice a week for over a month. Then try to go back to destiny where they release a day of content every 4 months.

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