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7/19/2015 1:37:08 AM

A message to the Destiny community

Ok, just To let the reader know, this is gonna be long, and I guess I am complaining but not exactly, and it's not about Bungie or Destiny, but the community of this game (that includes in-game and forums people). Ive had enough. I've been in gaming communities before. I'm in a couple of them. But this is the saltiest, most idiotic, disgusting, mindless retarted community I have [b][i][u]EVER[/u][/i][/b] seen. Let's go wayy back to when the Suros Regime was at it's peak. Everyone loved it and hated others who used it. It was basically The Thorn of its time. People complained, and complained, and complained, until all auto rifles were nerfed. As soon as that happened, a flurry of Suros users raged like mad, for months. Hold on, let's look at that again: everyone asked for a Nerf, and then everyone asked for a buff not long after....WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! ITS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ASKED FOR! Next thing people complained about were abilities. They said blade dancer was "unfair" and the same with all the others. Apparently, if I get killed by a super (by the way that was intended to kill you), I can go to forums with a reason to whine. Class wars are stupid. Each class has different abilities. If you are complaining about something that's too "OP" to you, guess what, you're just a scrub. Skilled players don't complain about that. Skill beats everything. If you pay attention, maybe you would realize that any of these classes/subclasses can be the best with skill. It's the same with weapons. Listen, I'm so bad at crucible that I got killed by a level 3 using an auto rifle while auto rifles were NERFED. Guess what! I didn't complain. After this update, I STRONGLY think there should be NO NERFS OR BUFFS AGAIN EVER UNLESS NECESSARY. Anyways, the whining continued. For months. Eventually people started using thorn and TLW realizing the power these two weapons had. More and more people began to complain about these weapons asking for nerfs. Also people complained about final round sniper and gjallahorn and wanted those nerfs too. Guess what guys! They answered your requests with what you wanted. After the update what is the first thing I see? "What the heck bungie scrub lords can now hold the trigger and win! Bungie you're dumb! You're stupid!" - say that to yourself. How long did people ask for a buff? And now they're complaining again? This happened with final round snipers as well. "Final round is stupid PLZ nerf" - as soon as they're nerfed I saw a thread yesterday: "How am I supposed to use my final round sniper? It's useless! Come on bungie! That's not fair!" And the same thing with Thorn and TLW. "Nerfing Thorn isn't fair". Alright so I've watched this bull crap for months on forums. So many times I wanted to tell all of these people how stupid they are. But the level of stupidity was so bad I couldn't even reply. But do you notice a pattern? No one can make up their mind, "A House divided cannot stand." I watch forums. They're a sea of mindless idiots who cannot pick and choose permanently and always want to win, and when they can't, they complain like children. I want everyone to shut up. And I really mean it. If you see this thread don't ever make a complaint thread EVER AGAIN. You all complain about how bungie doesn't develop the game just how you want it. This game was designed by a massive company, and this game was designed for the masses. All in all this is a summary: 1: the community is messed up and non-decisive 2: bungie actually listens to the community, which is a not so good one, which causes bad decisions to be made by bungie 3: complainers come again to criticize the latest decision 4: repeat 1-3 See how it just starts over? There's no point. And not only that, but everyone expects too much from this company. These poor guys work so hard to develop the game and then go to feedback to see what everyone has to say and they get an overwhelmingly negative wave of whine threads. Don't expect bungie to prepare this game just for you. If you don't like it shut up and get another game. Just play the game and enjoy it, if you can't enjoy it then return it, and never come back to these forums. And Bungie, just to let you know, I love this game the way it is. And I just want to say you guys lived up to your 10 year hype - I really mean it. But don't listen to just anyone. And now the actual game. I don't really have problems with the game. Although I think some things may be a little bit too difficult but for the most part it's the people you play with. If you are LFG 24/7 like me and have found barely anyone who will play VOG or something with you then this community will be a nuisance. No one recruits. People are so screwed up that I will go Into control and one or more of these things will happen: 1: at least 3 players inactive the entire round 2: no one captures zones and acts like its clash, which causes us to loose. 3: lag switching. And I mean a TON OF IT. People everywhere are lagging on purpose. It's absolutely criminal. So crucible is hard to enjoy because I just get t-bagged on by a bunch of slap-happy-lag-switching-idiots who think everything they do is funny and a joke and don't care about anything. It really wasn't intended to be that way at all and we know it. I'm not complaining, I'm pointing out errors in what's been happening these past months. And I've watched carefully. And I am so sick of this I have to let it out. By the way, don't call me out for "complaining about complainers" or being a "crutch user" or "scrub" because I'm none of those. Don't waste your thoughts. Because I give zero thought to those comments and what people think about me means absolutely nothing to me. And unless I feel like I should, I won't argue with anyone. Hear me out though, I'm not trying to be a jerk and call everyone idiots. I only want the best for this community and game. Wake up destiny community, let's revive what was once a special place.

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  • I stopped reading because you're addressing the community, which I could careless about and care even lesser about your opinion of it.

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    • Muted

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      • Edited by MoNcHoKaMiKaZe: 8/20/2015 6:41:20 AM

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        • Sorry pal no none cares how you feel about " the community"

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          • Ive been gaming for over 30 years now and I see your point. I hate to sound like an old man being in my mid 30's but allot of it is these young gamers who have access to the internet and due to lack of life experience and the general fact that everyone seems to think they are entitled to whatever they want when they want. they will complain on the internet because they can anonymously with no repercussions. Back in the old days when we had to play competitively either at home on the couch with friends or at a arcade there was always trash talking but not the way it is now if you went up to some random person playing street fighter or mortal kombat ect. And said the things people say everyday on these forums you would get a fist in your face or a foot in your ass real quick. Also people think they buy one game and it should last them forever with updates and expansions for free. Back in the old cartridge game days you bought a game played it and when you were done you traded it with a friend or put it in a pile with your other games and played something else. You didn't complain to people who really don't care that you've played this game for 1200 hrs and are now bored and don't have a weapon you think you deserve. Go play something else or maybe go spend some time in the real world for a change. And if you feel really brave go up to some random guys and talk shit to their faces for no reason and see what happens.

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            • Too long. Too bitchy. If I wanted this I would have asked my gf how her day was.

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            • It's only cuz the good people don't spend time on the forums, only whiny scrubs. Therefore, whiny scrubs are the voice to which Bungie listens. If everyone actually participated, it would be much different and probably better

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              • You make it sound like the development of Destiny is a democracy and that Bungie just obeys the fans and it's their fault. Take your example of auto rifles, they were broken. You could be using a scout rifle and get outgunned from medium to long distance by an auto. This was addressed not because Bungie counted the complaint threads and they numbered greater than the people who disagreed.

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                • Who in the community ever asked for a BH or Icebreaker nerf? No one. Gally nerf will only make things worse for non Gally owners too. If they wanted to fix that issue they should have announced OPTIONAL matchmaking. I barely play PvP (nor much PvE now either) so I don't care about it really. The vast majority of whining comes from the PvP side of things and no matter what there will always be a couple of guns that come out better. Red Death will probably be whined about most after 2.0. The only way Crucible will be fully balanced would be if everyone has equal access to the same weapons a la Halo but that's not going to happen.

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                  • I think youre over thinking it my friend... it just barrels down to this and only this... shitty games.. bring on shitty communities... ever wonder why people gave Destiny a review of 6/10? 7/10?...

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                    • You are forgetting some important matters. For instance not everybody has the same opinion about weapons. A Thorn user typically doesn't want a nerf to his gun, no matter how OP/strong it is. So some people will want a nerf and when that happens some people will dislike it. Also you can't blame people if Bungie nerfs a weapon too much, what clearly happend to auto rifles. Of course people get annoyed by that. Even non Suros users think the auto rifles were nerfed to much. But not nerfing OP weapons is even worse, those will break a game. Sadly Bungie doesn't have a clue how to balance anything. The biggest problem here is not the community, which responds to new developments, but Bungie. They are barely around on the forums and when they are around they don't say anything usefull. The Weekly Update, most of the times these are useless. If they just talked about their game and what they were planning for it, a lot of players would be less anoyed by it.

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                    • Complaining about people complaining... that'll learn 'em

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                    • Edited by tacticalweapon1: 7/19/2015 4:13:07 PM
                      I cannot compute whining or complaining, but it seems that the way you described it makes it seem like you are whining/complaining as well. You have confused a machine. Why have you done this?

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                    • I gave up when he spelt "retarded" wrong. Still this community can be pretty vile, not all of the time. But depending on how you create a post it can affect how a reader replies. And when the post itself is stupid, don't expect smart replies.

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                      • Edited by Disabled Pumbaa: 7/20/2015 4:24:57 PM
                        Also, people should really step back and consider that this is the first game of its kind EVER. Sure there are aspects from other games that can be utilized and leaned on, but on the whole, it's an entirely new frontier that Bungie/Activision are forging. There's definitely going to be a learning curve for both us and them. To a certain extent I feel like players who jump in for the first time when TTK launches are going to have a much better experience than day one players because they won't be dealing with all the growth and maturing the game itself has had to go through. Anyone who thought it should be perfect from day one was delusional, but I for one am happy to see it continue to get better.

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                      • I don't think they are just listening to the community blindly. They are looking at iron banner stats and testing in their labs and shit. How about we just wait and see what exactly everything feels like when it's done and the taken king settles in. You're right, there's a lot of whining on the forums but that's not the deciding factor to the next weapon patch, at least I don't think it is. Bungie and activision feel the need to change weapon balance. Let's see what happens. They've done some research.

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                        • Agreed. The TL;DR version: We're the source of our own problems. Bungie is trying their damnedest to help us, but we won't help ourselves.

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                        • Ok first the Pvp nerfs happen not because of complaints but because lord bungie wants us to all use different guns in crucible so that our gaming experience is rich and diversified so when one or 2 guns rack up the kills they change it Capture the zones The problem there is that there is only one bounty for zones and NO quest for zones everything is about shooting people so that's what people do is shoot people I do the same thing Lag just stop playing that's the only way they will fix it

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                        • There are not very many jerks on PS3 [spoiler]except for one guy who kicked me because he thought my mic wasn't working at skolas when he was the [b]only[/b] one to have problems with it [/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by Platinum_Swurve: 7/19/2015 2:30:50 AM
                          The forum community is shit, Destiny has a lot of great people.

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                          • Also great job in making this community even more salty.

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                          • Looked at the first part, goes to the store, gets popcorn, makes popcorn starts reading and commenting.

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                          • People only complain about the guns because they don't have it and then they get it and want it to be better

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                          • Join my clan, we a small clan that helps each other out and even non clannies and we are mostly super active

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                            • Bump

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                            • Edited by REXEL: 7/19/2015 3:26:30 PM
                              To be fair the ttk was still longer when suros was good, along with there being no poison damage.

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