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originally posted in: Cyberpunk: An Open World RP
7/19/2015 8:47:53 AM
I land at the Legioblitus landing pad. When the Nouisaeculi cleaned up Cylak they put the Legioblitus in charge. But the Oblitus are of course, just a branch. I walk into the building. I ask the Legioblitus receptionist whats going on, but she just says she couldnt help me if she wanted too.

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  • Edited by Astrodicle: 7/19/2015 7:21:55 PM
    I continue into the complex. I later reach the lab. My mom and others are gathered there... "Mom... Whats going on-" Mother:Oh im so glad youre here. Someone in Cylak has developed a super weapon. They sent us a death threat and we dont have any idea who they are. All we know is that they have a nuclear warhead at their disposal. They said that they would launch it in 24 hours if you werent dead by then." "Really? How did this guy even get ahold of this technology???" Mom: it isnt just some average joe. We think its someone who fought against us in the liberation of the city..." At that moment someone walked through the door-"theres been a bombing. Andrew, i think you should check it out." I nod and take my leave. To be continued....

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  • Edited by Astrodicle: 7/19/2015 5:27:10 PM
    As i start investigating the bombing scene (occurred in a office building, 7th floor.), A man in a cape and cowl walks in. He draws an assault rifle and speaks up: "Weve been expecting you..." I reach for my gun but he pulls the trigger before i can lay my hand on it. In milliseconds im bleeding in 7 different places. I fall back off the building, into a pool under it. The floor wasnt too high so im safe. Besides all the blood. I activate a distress call and Legioblitus notices it immediately. squad cars are flying the streets now. 2 choppers accompany them. The masked man walks up to the side of the building and shoots at the pool. I take a near brisk with death and get hit only once. The squad cars arrive now. The helicopters have him in their sights. They ask him to come peacefully. He declines and guns down one of the helicopter pilots through the glass. The other heli turns to reveal a sniper. The sniper shoots him in his head. They save his body incase of any ids. The helicopter lands to get me, and the squad cars attend to the helicopter, which crashed in a nearby park. Im taken to a hospital, where im treated for my wounds.

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  • Later, after i finish healing, (well, getting all my bullet wounds cleaned and bandaged) i go out in search of the triggerman. When i arrive at Legioblitus HQ i ask about the credentials of the person who tried to kill me. They hand me an ID. I assume hes a worker for a small mob. No professional would have credentials on them when they begin their job. his name was Joe Toggaf. He worked for a mob that had its leader jailed not too long ago. I walk up the stairs to where the director of Legioblitus is waiting. "How did they even get their hands on nuclear technology????" I ask. The director looks at me and states that they think The Shadows (what we started calling the shadow government) gave them the tech. "That doesnt make sense. The Shadows want power.... Why would they give a mob a nuclear warhead.... Unless... The Mob may be more hidden then we think. The Shadows may be running them. The nuclear warhead is an attempt to drive the city into panic. And its working. Then, theyll find out how to strike when were weak. This is a grave time....." I walk out of the room with a plan to interrogate the mob boss.

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  • I head to the city jail. I sit down in an interrogation room with the mob boss at the other side. Andrew: So heres the deal. Your men have gotten their hands on a nuclear warhead and threaten to blow up the city. The only thing is that the people who are planning to set it off want me dead. We think theyre working for the old shadow organization. Do you know, anything about this?" Mob boss: Why would i tell you? Andrew: because if you dont, tens of thousands of people including you are going to die. Your a mob boss. You only care about yourself. You would never let yourself die. The mob boss carefully leans in. Mob boss: i used to be granted privileges by the shadows. I do a few jobs for them, they make sure i dont get caught. It was a brilliant setup until you came in. All the mobs fought against you for the lifestyle of crime. They failed. When you locked all the mob bosses and mafia owners up, you assumed the bands split up. A lot of them did. Some still serve the shadows. Those are the ones you WERE dealing with. I dont know why they would blow up the city. Because the shadows just want the city back. I can show you the location of ohr safehouses on a map, if thatll help. Andrew: get a map of Cylak.

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  • Edited by Astrodicle: 7/20/2015 4:54:21 AM
    [b]some men come in with a big map of Cylak. I hand the mob boss a pen. [/b] Andrew: show me. [b]He begins to circle certain locations on the map. when he is done, i grab the map role it up, and begin to take my leave.[/b] Andrew: thanks for your cooperation. Your sentence has been cut short 1 year. [b]i leave the room and stop by the captain of the police, waiting just outside.[/b] Andrew: he doesnt know they wont set it off so dont tell him anything about it. [b]I leave the jail and head for the first location on the map.[/b]

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  • Edited by Astrodicle: 7/21/2015 7:12:16 PM
    [b]When i arrive, three men armed with AR patrol the area. I approach a corner and crouch down. I cant let that clock reach zero. Because when it does, the Shadows will attack. The panic would spread our sources thin. I need to contain and destroy them before its too late. One of the guards turns the corner. I quietly stand up behind him and drug him so he doesnt wake up anytime soon. When he does, he'll have amnesia. I grab his suit and quickly put it on. I continue to patrol the area until i find my opportunity and use the silenced weapons the guards hold to kill them. I walk into the main room where a man slouches over his desk. He wears a black vest, a red t-shirt, blue denim jeans, some black shoes, an earpiece (which he is currently conversing with), and some glasses. I wait until he is done talking then walk up to him, grab his earpiece, throw it to the ground and smash it under my foot. I grab him by his collar and shove him against the wall. [/b] Andrew: Wheres the warhead???? Weird man: Why would i tell you? [b]he spits in my face. Now im pissed. I throw him out his window and he lands on the pavement 8 feet below. Hes groaning and rolling in pain now. I jump down and go back to him. I stand over him and draw my Hellbringer, readying it at his face.[/b] Andrew: lets try that again. [b]i cock the gun.[/b] Andrew: wheres the warhead? Weird man: Idiot. [b]i use a...bolder, technique. I take out 5 bullets but leave one in. I spin the chamber and point the gun at his tentacles[/b] Andrew: Last chance; wheres the warhead. Weird man: Im. Not. telling. [b]one click[/b] Andrew: wheres the warhead. Weird man: Nope. [b]Two clicks. Hes now got three chambers left.[/b] Andrew: next his three. Which you dont have left. Wanna answer now? [b]he shakes his head and smiles. I cock the gun. His smile fades and he begins to plead.[/b] Andrew: where. Is. The warhead. [b]he gives me an address. I write it down on a piece of paper and put it in my pocket. I point my gun at his head[/b] Andrew: sorry. [b][u]BANG[/u][/b]

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  • [b]i start my car and drive to the address. Its on the docks. I realize its a crate address. I begin to walk down the isles, checking both addresses. As i walk, i think about why im doing this. Its mainly because i need to show the city that we found and defused the nuke. Cutting the panic and weakening the attack (if the shadows were planning to launch one even if the warhead was defused). If we tried to cover it up and do the same thing with a different missile, the shadows could do something unpredictable. Which we dont need. I suddenly come across a black crate with the address im looking for. I drop the note, take out my gun, and look around. Making sure no one is here. I point it at the lock and pull the trigger.[/b]

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  • [b]the lock bursts open. I yank the door open to find a missile about 5 feet long and 2 feet in diameter. I walk in, turn on a flashlight, and open the panel on the side of the missile. I defuse it (thanks to the classes at Nouisaeculi) and back away. I dial up HQ and tell them to get a team down here to escort the missile out of there. I begin to leave when all of a sudden, three men in capes and cowls confront me. They all carry assault rifles. [/b] Andrew: Not again... [b]i reach for Hellbringer, put a hole in two of them, and then run behind cover. the last man stands perfectly still. I walk behind him using an alleyway between the crates and quickly subdue him. I grab his gun and leave.[/b]

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  • [b]I say my goodbyes to everyone in Cylak, and head home to Cedyetica, still carrying the weapon i salvaged from the gunman.[/b]

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