Great game Mass Effect. So here you go, remove destiny from drive an place it in case, insert ME3 an click on multiplayer. Setup of your charactors will take a little time to do unlocks. Start with bronze an work your way up to platium. Best i could do is gold an that was soloing it. Platium is the hardest setting. I spent lots of hours there doing the MP. If you want a real challange do it solo. Bet it,ll keep you busy. I,m still playing Destiny but am wanting for Mass Effect 4 Andromada to come out. Have fun, i still drop in to ME3 from time to time.
This. Completely feel like destiny is weak sauce mass effect. Suros regime is copy of cerberus harrier. Whats 3 character classes compared to like 15. Plus real story
Atleast ME has a real story behind it