I've been playing since alpha, and I don't even touch destiny anymore. I have no reason to. I have every exotic except 1 so I'm good with that. I refuse to spend 80 bucks on the new dlc plus everything I already own . I don't trust bungie. I think taken king will get boring and old real quick. I go on YouTube to see if xur is selling any new exotics and when he isn't I go back to playing something else . With fallout 4 around the corner and the Witcher expansion around the corner. I'm done with destiny .
Have you finished the main quest? How did you The Witcher?
So far in my 2nd playthrough I'm already seeing little hints and nods to things that will happen later. I missed these things my first time playing. It's definitely worth the 60 bucks, and my suggestion is to just spend 85 to get the full game plus the expansion s that will come out later. They're an additional 30 hours of gameplay.
The Witcher is my game of the year. This was my first rpg and I ran through the main quest quick. Story is awesome and you meet some interesting people in the world. I'm playing through it again now but this time I'm doing the side quest and secondary mission before I go into the main story.
Awesome. I am doing most of the side quests first. I am taking my time. Only a level 9 at this point lol.
Definitely do the side quest and take your time. I enjoyed the game a lot the first time. But now I'm taking my time. I'm enjoying it even more. Here's a tip play gwent and play as much as possible. Collect cards from the merchants and innkeepers when possible. Your gonna need 2 know how to play gwent later on. Trust me