Well I would say try something relaxed and slow paced but fun. I have been replaying fallout games in prep for fallout 4 and I have to say it's quite enjoyable.
Depending on your pc, the witcher is really good. As a tip turn off nividia hair physics, it consumes a hell of a lot of power to maintain. I still haven't finished the witcher yet because i'm taking it slow doing the side stuff and getting immersed in the world. Even then I feel extremely satisfied and already more than happy saying it's not only a good game but probably one of if not the best we may see this year.
If you're looking for a competitive game CS:GO, League of legends or dota are good depending on your preference.
That or just take a look around steam. Chances are you will find a good game as long as you avoid early access.
Witcher 3 has unreal critic reviews. I have GOT to try that game.
Well deserved honestly. Their hard work shows.