I'm pretty sure you all are lying. Try to make me think otherwise.
[spoiler]Good luck.[/spoiler]
Edit: Took out all edits.
[spoiler]They were annoying.[/spoiler]
I am currently lying.
How do we know if you're not a pessimist in disguise?
I'm telling the truth because I'm telling the truth
[u][b]Bruce[/b][/u] Jenner is a man.
Edited by Vix: 7/19/2015 10:31:03 PMI lied about lying, when in reality lying about lying isn't as big of a lie as lying about lying about my lie. I enjoy lying about lies that where a lie in the first place. Why lie when you could tell a lie about your lie?
This world sucks
You're straight.
This statement is a lie.
Can't. Too busy lying.
This is a sentence.
I just types these words
I am not a bot. Convinced?
I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you the whole truth
You are pretty sure we are all lying.
You live on earth
[quote]If I spoke prose you'd all find out; I don't know what I talk about![/quote]
I am lying.
I am lying
Innocent until proven guilty. You prove that I AM lying, first.
Believe it or not I'm actually not a fish [spoiler]or am i[/spoiler]
Bush did 9/11
You have 2 34's, a Hunter and a titan. And a level 30 Warlock. With all the same emblems. You play on Xbox One You're name is Blazekin83 on XBL I'm a desticle.
Straight up one time at work someone pinched my lunch from the locker room at work, found out who thru the security cameras... I took him home the next day and fed the kid some dinner, asking why he needed to steal lunches at work? Told me he just got hired and is trying to support his girlfriend and their new baby and he opted to not eat what shares food he had so his girl could eat to keep breast feeding and every other dollar was spent on other needs I get it man sometimes we have to be dishonest to be the most honest we can, is there really a right and a wrong? Can there literraly be only one side to a coin? If you cross the line in the name of whats right, are you still rigght? I believe its all circumstantial. I gave this kid 50$ and sent him on his way, we still chat here and there an his baby boy is looking amazing and healthy :) Dishonesty is only perceptual
My screen name is 'Indubitably'.
I took acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.