So honestly I feel half of this paranoia just has to do with the Gaming Industries' recent track record as well as BDobbin's silly YouTube videos.
Not pre-ordering, if anything, doesn't help anybody. Publishers rely on pre-ordering to make sure the game is a steady investment for future titles.
Low pre-orders only mean that the developer gets hurt in the long run, it won't somehow persuade the big-wig publishing company that "Oh golly, we better have a complete game on the market by release date".
So what can we do to prevent incomplete games from entering the market, well, incomplete? Voice your displeasure! If something isn't up to standards then never settle, but don't just mindlessly bash pre-ordering.
Obviously if you don't want to pre-order then you don't have to, but having all this hostility towards pre-ordering just doesn't sit right with me, and if your really that up in arms about the game then wait til' after said game releases... Or better yet, don't buy the game!
Edit: When I pre-order, I put my faith in that company that they will have the game done, so when I Pre-order Fallout 4 I am 100% confident that the game will be complete and worthwhile.
Because of the AAA company's like EA and Activision? Nintendo is fine with preorders (though not sure why the mh4u 3ds was gamestop exclusive) and well. Many (not all) of the exclusive devs for each is also fine.
I think pre-ordering ruins gaming. A company makes tons of money on their game before it's even released just because of some exclusives offered to those who pre-order. Then if the game is released and turns out to be a piece of sheisse, who cares they already made all the money. Even if the game is released and turns out to be decent, those gamers who waited to purchase the game until after release to make sure the game wasnt shiy before throwing money at it, get penalized by missing out on all the exclusive content. Tl;dr: it promotes poor buying behavior that gives way too much leniency to the companies making games.
If i know i like the game (specifically the series) then im preordering without a doubt.
I have no clue if the game is broken it is broken it wont matter if you pre order or not.
I preorder games that I know I am definitely going to get eventually.
The people who hate preordering are the feminists of gaming.
I have a policy of only preordering games from series/companies I trust. For example, I preordered my copy of arkham knight cuz I trusted it would be decent. I would never, EVER, preorder something from ubisoft
The reason people pre-order is to make sure they get a copy of the game on launch. I've seen stores that have ran out of copies only 48 hours after launch! By pre-ordering you guarantee a copy of the game you've been excited for, for several months.
Edited by Halo3 Iceberg: 7/20/2015 3:22:33 AMI used to pre-order everything until a couple years ago, this was the time companies started to get greedy and lazy. The first thing is companies will release marketing campaigns to show a game for a console system (which is running on a high end pc spec) to build hype. They then place embargo's on game reviews till the day of release so the negative press doesn't hurt their pre-order and first day sales numbers. As a consumer the only information you have on the game is from the marketing teams well dressed and rehearsed game trailers, once released it was evident that some companies were pressured to release a buggy game due to the publisher wanting money now. Some games even had to have the game re coded and content you thought you were going to see/play was taken out entirely. In the past 2 years, there is maybe 2 or 3 AAA title games that were good releases. The rest were over hyped and rushed products which can be seen from meta critic scores and reviews once the embargos were lifted. I believe in this day and age, companies need to earn that respect from their consumers. Believing that a game company is trust worthy so you can throw money at them regardless of the quality of the product is insane, companies will just keep doing this practice of forcing developers to rush products out to get that money from people who buy the brand and not the quality.
Because publishers like EA and Ubisoft make broken ass games I only pre order from certain companies
Edited by LordofArbiters: 7/20/2015 10:25:07 PMThe company won't get the money till the orders are ready o be shipped. So basically the only bad reason is that the game might not be as good then what you thought because you haven't played it.
Is this really a topic? Hey give me your money now and I'll send you a unicorn in about 3 months.
Pre ordering only makes sense when they are offering a good bonus.. There is literally no reason to do it other wise..
Pre order is so bad you don't even need a lot of facts to prove the people who DO pre order are just a bunch of little kids who hate the gaming industry as a whole. 1) Businesses will cut your game down and sell it to you piece after piece, even though when you initially bought the game for the $65, the content was already there but it's behind a paywall. 2) You haven't played the game, no beta, no alpha and nothing other than just trailers, CGI trailers. Then there is NO reason to pre order the game just based on it's name alone or what you have seen in the trailers, you are PRACTICALLY bending over and pulling your pants down and waiting to see if the devs will -blam!- you over, that's what it is. Look it's as simple as this. You don't buy 1/2 of your car with a steering wheel and some peddles then months down the line buy the 2nd half of your car with the other 2 tires and a boot. You buy your car whole expecting it to work for a long long time right out of the gate. Why should you lower your standards so low that AAA devs can squeeze all the money out of gullible sheep? You shouldn't and you should grow up if you pre order.
You're essentially guaranteeing them a sale regardless of the level of quality of the product.
Edited by MR E0S: 7/20/2015 6:57:07 PMPrimary reason to hate pre-orders... The incentives. If you really look at this aspect of it. You'll see the wrong in it. If you want the full product you have to pre-order it? -blam!- that noise. People who wait for reviews, get screwed out of content.. yeah thanks. I was just trying to be a smart consumer...ya know.. And this only happens because you people don't know how to think about anyone othe than yourselves. All I can hope for is that someone uses their money in such a way that it wrongly influences something you love. In the hopes that it opens your eyes. Tl:Dr I have to be one of the first to play your motivator. and it's dumb to think that your need to be first to play is leading to this crap. You all need to try this. buy a game 1 month after release. it's the same game, with the exception of pre-order incentives.
Let's say the game cost ten million to make, but They've already made 20 million in preorders.. The game is a success and no one has even played it. The dev then only has to get something passable out the door with minimal features and attention to detail, and even then if it's still broke they just throw a day one patch out. No preorders means the developer won't just coast and give us a shit product.
OP doesn't understand the sick culture that is pre-orders. They have been incredibly damaging for video games. The emphasis on pre-order sales has led to companies feeling compelled to rip content from their game as a pre-order bonus. This often results in exclusive content divided among several retailers. It puts pressure on companies not to delay their games resulting in some titles coming out as unfinished messes. A developer that wants to take risks can be punished if their new idea isn't translated to pre-order numbers. Pre-order culture has been widely criticised. The very problems you think pre-ordering prevents and being caused by the phenomena.
I only ever pre order Pokemon games
dont preorder anything unless they guarentee they wont alter or remove any content that was the reason you preordered it in the first place!
Of the game is good it will sell after its released and reviewed (hopefully not in that order)
Just destiny
[quote]So what can we do to prevent incomplete games from entering the market, well, incomplete? Voice your displeasure! If something isn't up to standards then never settle, but don't just mindlessly bash pre-ordering. [/quote] You're pretty naive if you think voicing your displeasure has much of an impact. Nothing speaks louder than numerous people not pre-ordering. It sends a clear and concise statement that we won't put up with their half-assed shit anymore.
Edited by Black_Adder_: 7/20/2015 9:19:47 AMTo put it simple about pre-ordering - you have to pay more for something you haven't even seen except the seller is telling you it's a good stuff. I, for example, have learned to NEVER rush buy a game that is in any way connected to Electronic Arts because it is either guaranteed disappointment or the game just isn't worth the initial price. I can wait to see what other people think about the game and then decide if I want it or not, and by that time it might already have a price drop. And yes, I don't care about not being able to play since day 1 nor do I want to support shitty publishers.
I never used too, until I started playing Destiny...Once bitten twice shy!
It all depends on the game company. I must say nobody expected bungie to be so bad with their game, but like I said, it depends on your faith in the manufacturer of the game