Bungie is nerfing the three strongest boss killers (Ice breaker, Gjallarhorn, and Black Hammer) so that Oryx will not be defeated as easily as Crota.
They are creating artificial difficulty in the new raid because it lacks content.
Seriously, ass -blam!- white nail is no different than punishing a player for being good at precision shooting. You guys -blam!-ed up. I know my $$ doesn't matter to you. There is a reason I don't give a shit about prison of elders, there isn't a weapon worth getting, they all suck. If this is the route Bungie intends to take with all weapons worth farming for, then I'll go ahead and play ESO or Witcher 3. You're buttraping the Icebreaker, the black hammer, all the hand cannons and the Gjallahorn. Buff everything else for pve, give player health and armor % boosts for pvp and voila everyone is happy.
Maybe oryx told bungie to nerf the guns so he can put up a fight :)