You activate your senses, and you sense magnetism inside of the rope tethering the boat? Really? There out of all places?
[b]I go to check where I sensed it [/b]
You go over to the rope and unravel its threads. Surely enough, a large key drops out of the rope and onto the ground.
[b]I take the key, and try the door with it.[/b]
The key finally fits in, and the door to the lighthouse swings open. The first level of the lighthouse you have entered is devoid of anything interesting: it's just filled with fishing equipment. There is a spiral flight of stairs connected to the walls of the lighthouse that lead up to the higher floors.
"So...why the Scanner?" I think to myself...unless this place was an old hideout a long time ago
Edited by Stepsis, The Stuck: 7/20/2015 1:40:56 AMAfter being called back by an old friend ((life)) , harrow is back to the coast to hang with his mate shift, and do this bounty. [b]Harrow walks up behind shift who has just entered the lighthouse[/b] [i]Hey shift![/i]
Hey, Harrow, I've been wondering where you were! Wanna check out this lighthouse? I have been searching for so long for the key so it better be worth it. [b]Shift walks up the spiral staircase.[/b]
You enter the second floor. It looks to be a bedroom, with a bed, a toilet, and a reading desk. In the center of the room is a large generator, possibly the one powering the lighthouse. On the desk is a large sheet of paper with writing on it.
[b]I read the paper.[/b]
Also, what's that metal device peeking out from under the bed...?
[b]I look at what it is.[/b]
You have uncovered the [b]Piledriver[/b], a jack hammer-gauntlet held on your forearm that can be used for drilling into and decimating things other than cement... Hold its trigger down inside of the gauntlet to activate the jack-hammer's rapid thrusting.
[spoiler]Oh dang... Is that because of my [i]Most Lucky[/i]perk?[/spoiler] Hm, this looks like it outta be helpful...
[spoiler] You bet your ass it is. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Thats definitely going to be useful.[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Uhuh. [/spoiler]
You read: [i]1. Scan Gold Jacket Symbol. [A rough sketch of the image scanner and the Gold Jacket symbol, then a device popping up on the top of the cliff] 2. Shine light on solar panel. [A rough sketch of the lighthouse's light being shone on the device, then a door opening inside of the cave under the cliff] [/i]
Interesting, what can we use to shine enough light on the panel, looks at lighthouse light
"If you guys got the lighthouse, I can get symbol and scanner."
Deal we'll remove the bulb and wire it up aimed at the panel
As you tamper with the bulb of the lighthouse, you see that the battery is dead. There should be some batteries somewhere around here... You should ask Shift.
I go up in the light house to ask shift where I can find some light bulbs
Edited by m0nster630: 7/20/2015 4:38:27 AMHeh, I knew those damn batteries would help later on. [b]I lead you back down to where I found the batteries in the barrels.[/b] Right here, lots of 'em.
"Now we're getting somewhere!" [b]slaps your back excitedly[/b] "Alright let's get these batteries installed and get these stupid doors open."
Alright! [b]I take one of the batteries to to the lightbulb and put it in.[/b]