You activate your senses, and you sense magnetism inside of the rope tethering the boat? Really? There out of all places?
[spoiler]Allen isn't usually the friendliest type anyway, more of a general holy shit it's finally open thing[/spoiler]
Edited by m0nster630: 7/20/2015 4:44:14 AM[spoiler]You're scaring me ;-;[/spoiler]
Alright, let's go.
Edited by DesertX963: 7/20/2015 2:15:20 AM((what's the writing say))?
((Shift has to investigate it.))
You guess it must open something of importance to the Gold Jackets, most likely their hideout. You also notice Shift has entered the lighthouse.
"Allen, Shift's got the key." My skepticism grows with the scanner. "Anything in the lighthouse," I ask Shift.
Sounds good I've got your backs
Not yet.