[quote]The reality is that Gjallarhorn was 100, Hunger of Crota is 60, and Truth is a 50.
The power discrepancy was huge.[/quote]
Quoting the guy below, they brang down Ghorn to a 75-80, so theoretically, it'll simply require MORE GHORNS TO FINISH ANYTHING.
Except that the game doesn't require any Ghorns to complete anything.
But people will want it done fast so theoretically they'll want more, do you really think making it slightly worse but still the best gun is going to change the elitists?
Who cares about elitists? Nothing is going to "change" them. You can only marginalize them through design. Nerfing Ghorn gives Bungie the freedom to adjust current and future content around the new norm instead of a fringe case weapon.