...if they actually required headshots to be effective.
The problem is that many of them - EX: Thorn and The Last Word - don't, and they can just melt you with body shots that they rattle off in hip fire or chest shots that they rattle off hoping one is a headshot too. Even during the reign of the SUROS Regime and Auto Rifles, you still had to consistently drill people in the head to melt them; now Handcannons achieve the same thing but with much less effort.
And don't give me that "Oh, they're getting headshots though!" line. We all know they're not - especially when they're rattling off those panic fire shots at damn near AR speed or you're getting melted by Thorn DoT.
Cheapest lowest shit I've seen in destiny. Someone using thorn with what must be a nodded controller. His thorn was firing in three shot bursts, because, y'know, its not like thorn is op