This might come across stupid but here we go...
So destiny came out on 9/9/14 correct? This was the same day as my 11th birthday. Now any normal being would get this awesome game on their birthday. But no. I had all important secondary school exams coming up. So that meant I had to revise for them and my mum would no let me get destiny. -.-
The following January I get my results and find I got myself into an outstanding school. So me and my dad went out to GAME to buy destiny and TDB. So I ended up buying destiny 2 days after CE Hard came out.
And that is the sad story of the non-day one
AKaotikRobot. Thank you for reading. :)
I play on XB1 my GT Is same as here. :D
This hurt my brain, no time to read it for the third time..
Jk bro