A man stops infront of a Tokyo Town Motorheads shop and instructs the foo dog accompanying him to sit outside a bit. He walks inside and stops infront of the desk. "Hey ummm ..." he pauses, as if unsure he's even in the right place for what he's about to ask for. "Can I find a longboard here? You know, something I can roll around on and carry on my back when I'm not using"
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 7/20/2015 2:13:32 PM
Edited by TooFastForPat: 7/20/2015 2:13:53 PM((Wrong spot?))
((No, it is, but people don't come here too often asking for longboards))
(( I meant were you posted your fresh bounty post but I would like a longboard xD ))
The cashier, a brown-skinned man with long, flowing back hair squints at you. "Yeah...?"
"Can I find one here?" he asks with a smile. He turns his head to the widow to make sure his dog is still there, then turns back to the man.
"Sure. 100 Credits."
He dials his Tac Pad for a few moments and transfers the appropriate credits to the shop. (-100C)
The man gives you the longboard. "Have a good day." he says.
He straps his longboard unto his single-strap backpack and slings it on his back. "You as well" he replies as he makes his way out of the store, as he walks back outside he pats his dog twice on the head for him to begin to follow. [u][b]Curtain[/b][/u]