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Edited by Allah: 7/20/2015 1:04:15 PM
A fifth one is that evolution is bullshit created by extrapolation, misrepresentation and misdirection. You cannot deny that somewhere inside you, once you doubted evolution and that you chose to believe this is true because it allows you to do anything you want despite the mores and standards of our society. Evolution, when you understand it from a higher level, is just another religion used to control the masses. It allows people to feel okay about aborting(dismantling a human being that could, given our technology, survive outside the mother using scissors, crushing and sacking out the brains of a baby that's only got the head still in the birth canal) 1.25 million children, murdering, without having to feel bad about it. It allows people to go into churches and open fire on people without any conscience. It allows our youth to use drugs, join in on rioting, and řàpé without a problem because "we're all just monkeys anyway, I have nobody to answer to, who cares if I'm doing what I want to do". Sending our sons and daughters into war after war, into harms way for the almighty yuan, dollar, yen, whatever. Wake up people it's not where we came from, it's where we are going that matters. Heaven or Hell Blessing or cursing Life or death. Choose this day. Population control through ignorance.

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