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Edited by Mox: 5/8/2018 5:15:49 AM

Chief kills the destiny universe. PART TWO

The second Part of the chief kills destiny saga. Enjoy! Part Two: Popping heads and Purple balls Chapter one They had been descending to earth's surface for hours, slowly inching their way through the atmosphere. Chief sat there. Looking at the sky, listening to Cortana discuss possibilities as to why the forerunners were at earth, if it even was the forerunners that is. "Maybe, Maybe the forerunners returned after the flood was exterminated. Maybe they've finally decided to reach out to humanity." Cortana spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice, she would finally get to meet the great forerunners. But that excitement suddenly turned into worry. "Chief, you're going to want to hear this" "What is it" "Many of the vital signs I'm getting on the surface... They're not human.." "Covenant?" "No, nothing like what we've seen before, and these readings, they're everywhere.... Chief, what if 'home doesn't exist anymore?!" "Whatever it is, we'll be ready for it... Cortana, how long have we been gone?" "We've only been gone for f-" Cortana was cut short as the speed of their descent increased. The engines were now dropping towards earth at an extreme rate. "Hang on!" Cortana yelled over the loud screams of the wind as they fell faster and faster. Chief held on, trying not to be blown off of the ship engine, it was his only hope of landing safely on earth, but that now seemed like an unlikely outcome. "10,000 feet till we hit the surface!" 8000 7050 Faster and faster, the engine began ripping apart, scraps of metal smashing into chief. He hung on with everything he had, his body was hitting its limit. "5000 feet!" 3000 2000 This wasn't normal, they were descending way too fast. It was as if what ever slowed them down was now speeding them up, as if it was anxious to have them on the surface. "800 feet! This is it Chief!" 700 500 Chief tried his best to force himself against the cold metal. Debris raining from above, and debris smashing into him from the front. He would try to launch off of the engine just as it made landfall. It could work, but he wasn't so sure. "300 feet!" 250 180 Chief pushed his legs in front of him, preparing to make the jump from what was left of the engine. More metal smashed into him, taking out his shields. A large Shard cut into his shoulder sending chief flying off of the torn metal 100 60 "John!" Cortana screamed as his limp body descended to earth's surface. 0..... [i]John, John[/i]. Chief woke up. He did not open his eyes, only listened. And to his surprise, he heard voices, [i]human[/i] voices that sounded quite childlike. "What class do you think he his?!" Asked one. "Hunter, warlock?!" "Guys, he's obviously a titan" stated another. Chief had no idea what these bystanders were talking about. 'Titans', 'hunters', 'warlocks', he had never heard of these things. But he knew he was not what they spoke of. Chief opened his eyes slowly, his helmet was still on. And he noticed his injury had disappeared. The beings that were discussing what exactly the chief was, or wasn't. Were gone. "Cortana?" Chief asked. But oddly, there was nothing but silence. "Cortana!?" Again no response Chief felt the back of his helmet. No chip. He stood up quickly, drawing his surprisingly intact Magnum. He observed the room around him. It was quite large, very large. Fires burned lighting the room with a quite soothing light. Music that sounded oddly familiar served as background noise. Large windows showed a city, with lights and its own ambient noises. But one thing he noticed was that it was surrounded by a very large wall. The war was over, why would earth's cities need walls? He inspected the room further, and noticed several banners hanging on the walls, each with its own colors and symbols. This was definitely not a UNSC Establishment. Chief turned, looking for an exit. Two orange doors were before him. He could hear noises beyond the doors. Holding his weapon, he opened them. And couldn't believe what he was seeing... There was a large, open courtyard. People stood around, in strange looking armor, with strange looking weapons, they didn't look covenant, but they didn't look like human tech either. People were pointing and "dancing". People chased large purple balls like animals, others purposefully jumped to their death, over, and over, and over. While some just sat there, staring at the city aimlessly. Chief then noticed each of them was followed by a strange, flying "drone". Similar to the forerunner sentinels he's come across before. They looked forerunner, but something was different about them. They spoke, just like cortana would speak with him. He watched as these people had conversations with these, "drones". What has changed since he's been gone? [i]How long[/i] has he been gone? He needed answers to these questions, and he needed to find cortana. Just as chief was about to close the doors and devise a plan. One of them noticed him, and he and his "drone" both shouted "IT'S AWAKE" Everyone in the courtyard stopped chasing their balls, jumping to their deaths, and dancing. They all just stared at chief, who was still clutching his magnum, not sure on whether or not he was in a hostile environment. All of those in the courtyard let out a [i]horrendous[/i] scream, and ran towards him. A raging mob of what seemed like children was heading straight for him. Chief, on instinct. Fired a warning shot into the ground. The mob stopped, stared at the dent he made in floor, and continued to rush the chief. Still making that horrendous noise that chief could only compare to the cries of the flood parasite. Chief, realizing these people would not stop, took aim at one of the strange ones in front. He took a deep breath, lined up his sites, and fired. A loud crack was heard throughout the courtyard. The being was hit straight through his visor, nearly flipping him over as he fell to the ground. UNSC fire power was definitely nothing to -blam!- with. The mob stopped, staring at the limp body on the floor. Chief noticed that somehow there wasn't any blood on the courtyards stone floors. This place, wherever this was, was only getting stranger. "Stop! Stop guardians!" A loud voice boomed from behind the mob. "I specifically instructed you to inform me when he awoke!" A man in white robes appeared, pushing through the mob as they stood there, silently. The robed man stood in front of chief. "I.... See you're awake" he said, a hint of nervousness in his voice. Chief stared at the man, he towered over him, as he did with most people. "You've come a long way, guardian, I know you have many questions... Come, we have much to discuss. Your.... Friend, is waiting for you." Chief proceeded to follow the robed man, pushing through the mob. As they were leaving the courtyard, they all began to cheer and dance as they had before. These people truly were strange...... Chapter two coming this afternoon! EDIT: link to all parts here
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