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originally posted in: LionHeart (RP)
Edited by Sylok's Defiler: 7/21/2015 2:33:00 AM
[b][u]The Distance Between | The Royal Court, Isla Deus[/u][/b] [spoiler][i]As the hunters and mercenaries ascend the cerulean well, they look over the hills and folds of Taeda Vale. The gorgeous canyons, the lush forests; it is breathtaking. The Warriors fly and land onto the levitating rock that serves as the Capitol of the land. An ivory pantheon with two separate buildings at its flanks shimmer under the sun, perpendicular to the fountain in it's courtyard. Paladins and Aegises corral the invited into the central hall, lavishly decorated with wonders of architecture and material fabrics as rare as miracles. Inside, a court advisor steps up next to the empty throne. "Attention! May I have your attention, please. Our Princess will return from her errands to discuss this contract, but in the meantime, enjoy yourselves! Grab some food, talk to your new coworkers; we will return shortly."[/i] [b]Task Complete[/b][/spoiler] [spoiler][i]The masses settle down as the lights in the pantheon dim. The overweight advisor who previously addressed the crowds returns to the empty throne: "Ladies and gentlemen, Warriors and assassins; you have been so patient with us while we waited for Lady Hartwick to return to the Castle. And you have waited long enough!" He raises his arm to openly welcome the mysterious princess of the valley. From the double doors leading in, two Aegises escort a youthful lady with an unparalleled beauty down the velvet carpet. Each step she takes echoes lightly in the pantheon, as she approaches her throne. From the seat of power, she turns to her captivated audience, lifting the veil to reveal her bright Amber eyes. "Thank you, all, my compatriots and followers. Welcome to the Capital of Taeda Vale. It is in this great land that we hope to prosper and germinate, to embed ourselves into foreign lands and make peace with their inhabitants. This is our goal, but like many, it is threatened by terrorists and blasphemers who would take pleasure and pride in watching us fall. As I speak to you, the details of your target are being sent to what forms of technology you have in your possession. Little is known of this man, but I can assure you that he is much more dangerous and unstable than anything you have faced. I promise you all one wish within my power to be granted to you, should you capture him alive. His name is Felix Ireton. And he must be brought to justice." The hunters in the masses begin to mutter and whisper. Many revel in the opportunity, but some are fearful. All sorts of conversations arise.[/i] [b]Task Complete[/b][/spoiler] [i]The pads are returned to the steel Knights who distributed them, who in turn whisper to an attentive princess. She whispers back, and the knight exits from behind the throne. "Wonderful! It would seems we have all in attendance ready for the hunt. Felix has been located somewhere within the valley: we know he has not left the land, but we are confident that..." Her voice trails off as footsteps break her speech. The shrouded man steps through the crowd, dividing them from the middle of the floor. He holds a data pad, the NO button highlighted on the screen. "Ya missed one. I made sure to show you the NO I selected. Wouldn't want you forging my vote." The princess, perplexed by the voice in the cowl, and obviously shocked, stares with a certain curiosity. "Well well, why exactly would you want to decline such a generous offer?" "Because the man you seek ain't a man. He's a monster, more so than the likes of you." "And who, insolent fool, do you think you are to challenge MY authority in MY kingdom?!" Though the cowl conceals his expression, an airy, jolly sigh escapes his nostrils. If he had a visible mouth, he'd be smirking. "I am Sebastian Varcoe. I'm the real Marauder, motherf*cker." In an instant, a blinding flash of orange light beams the through the room, disorienting the Knights and the Guardsmen, who appeared during his final sentence. In an address to all who declined the offer, or those who want to discover the truth, he shouts: "RUN!"[/i] [b]Directives: -Escape![/b] [spoiler]Make a post of how you manage to escape the Capitol to the front gates of the city. The Knights and guardsmen will be after you, and will try and stop you, so make it epic![/spoiler]

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  • [b]Serena sighs and rubs it out of her eyes in an annoyed way, some of her blades now sit in front of her, and her free hand is held in a suspicious way. Almost as if holding a nonexistent sword on her lap. She watches all the commotion with amusement, finding the extravagant ways people choose to leave unhappily, when they could just walk out of the door like a normal person, albeit probably after stabbing someone, she thought. Seeing that nobody seems to notice/care she's there, she finishes the last of her pie and starts fidgeting with the blades. She makes several notches in the table much like a student at her desk, childishly. Probably so she could imagine the posh looks of distain the next "Noble" here would give it. Her face doesn't change though, there's still strange and (to her condescending eye) panicking guests around.[/b]

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  • [b]A flock of Sparrows fly above the rushing guardsmen. The tiny heralds deactivate their cameras and fly to their nest; they have done their job.[/b] [i]One figure pushed against the escaping crowd, void of any intent of escaping. As some knights and guardsmen rushed after some a few Venom Incorporated members, they passed the black-plated form. In turn, Phoenix looked up in a flash and activated his other systems. Four of the rushing Monarchy soldiers received a spearhead to each of their legs. The strikes made by the hydraulic arms on the armoured man's back made calculated attacks to stab the exposed area behind their knees: free of any armour to defend against the blow. There was only one knight who wasn't knocked down by the swift and unexpected attack. Turning around to face his assailant, he was met by a swift bludgeon to the face by a long and curved object wielded by Phoenix. It was the mechanical katana sheath, still housing Razorblaze within it. Hooking the sheath behind the staggered soldier's head, he forced the armour figure down to the ground. By now, a few other soldiers noticed the new attacker. They advanced towards him in a large group, having the reassurance of reinforcements all around them. The pyromaniac mercenary promised himself to not kill anyone yet, so he upheld his promise. One guard attempted a stab at the expert swordsman, which was his mistake. Phoenix ducked into the thrust, allowing it to scratch off of the main plating protecting his chest. A hydraulic powered elbow to the face was all it took to fell the opposing enemy, but that itself would not handle the rest of the soldiers. Throwing the still-conscious guardsman into the rest, he activated his wrist mounted grenade launcher and fired a "Willy Pete" smoke grenade into the side of a nearby wall. With carefully planned trajectory, the small cylinder bounced off of the bricks and above the heads of the Monarchy forces. It was high enough not to burn any soldiers, but still released its trademark smokescreen. All who were caught in the grey gaze were either compelled to leave the choking smoke, or cover both their eyes and mouth. Either way, that was when the Blue Pyromaniac made his escape. Easily slipping through the rest, he had no trouble in passing the other various people (RPers) attacking the guards and past the Front Gates.[/i]

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  • *You received a message* [quote]Hey! Meet me at the linked coordinates. I need to talk about what just transpired with asomeone who actually knows Felix. [/quote]

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  • Edited by AgentMizzmo: 7/21/2015 4:13:38 AM
    *After escaping the gates, I begin to comb the area for Felix, cloaked in darkness* C'mon, Ireton, I know you're here.

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  • Xalix who was watching from Roofs above [spoiler]he snuck in m8s[/spoiler] jumped down and started to kill Guards with randomized blades and Warp fire so Sakuret and Ajax can run. Ajax being the heavy guns fired off him Thermal rounds at more of them from his 20 MM Vulcan jet cannon. Sakuret cloaked and stealthed away

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  • I suppose I should make my leave... [i]Turning tail, Blackjack sprints through the crowd, pushing people out of his way as he runs, jumping over any obstacles in his path. As a pack of guards try to capture him, he throws a flashbang down, the blast disorienting them as he rushes to the door. Running out of the Palace, he climbs up to a roof, and engages his cloaking system as he watches the chaos unfold below.[/i]

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  • *You see me slashing through the crowd of guard with my katana, as I scale the castle wall, pick off a few guards with my bow then Jane the remaining one's head below the lever after open the gates, crushing not the guard's skull and keeping the gate open, as I flip down the wall and run into the forest*

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  • [i]He watches you carefully from his hidden perch, making note of your tactics.[/i]

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  • *Summons dispersion Gauntlet* [i]This entire planet is a hellhole of confusion...[/i] *Punches the nearest guard into a wall with such force that he explodes into an eyeball strewn paste* *A [url=]Dropship[/url] flashes across the sky and offloads an AI controlled warframe* [i]Those Aegis guys at the door look tough...let's make our own exit[/i] [i][u][b]UNDERSTOOD[/b][/u][/i] *The Warframe busts a hole into a nearby building and charges through to the other side* [i]Thank you, my good sir. Shall we be on our way?[/i] [b][i][u]UNDERSTOOD[/u][/i][/b] *The Warframe cuts down approaching guards while Stratos follows it, Exploding anyone who tries to sneak up behind them.* *The duos path through the city is comparable to a small tornado, cars flung aside, building knocked over, and red puddles of viscera creating the scenery* *They wait just outside the city walls for further instruction.*

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  • [spoiler]Did you even read the OP? If you accepted you were to stay.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]my motives are my own. I was only supporting the monarchy to get rid of sauron. Now that the quest has started I fully intend to join the rebellion. Also my troops deployed across the globe make for an interesting plot device now that I have switched sides (if puffy/faraway/Felix/distance is ok with it.). And if you're still rustled about my doomsday thing, I wrote it with the assumption that it was non canon. So un rustle your self please.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Whatever, was just wondering why you blew a hole in the side of the palace is all.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]love it, best one yet.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by AgentMizzmo: 7/21/2015 3:18:45 AM
    *I shake my legs, and activate my blades, spinning them around and bringing them into manual mode* *I start to run, slashing some guard's throats on my way out, then I look back at Sebastian* *I continue running, sounding under a guard and sticking a stance device to his inner thigh, moments later, he explodes* *I change both my blades and combine them to make a katana, and bury in the chest of one guard, then draw and arrow from my quiver and throw t at the other, drawing the sword out and continuing to run, approaching the gates, I begin to veer to the left, scaling the wall, two bars with string attached to both ends fold out of my left gauntlet, forming a bow, I begin to pick off guards before lifting the gates up all the way then jamming one guard into the wheel, killing the guard and jamming the gate, allowing others to run through* *I flip down the other side and send out a mental message to the Princess* This is what you get for playing the God. Pride gets you nowhere. Just ask June. *I start to run off, then begin to search for Felix, hoping to find someone I know*

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  • *The figure watches carefully for any who run, bored*

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  • [b]The hooded robotic figure sees the flashing from the top of a building. They let out a metallic sigh and disappear back into the shadows, reappearing next to the main gates.[/b]

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  • So its a bounty for a Felix

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  • Felix? i can't let this happen.... *pulls up hood and stalks*

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  • *Arrives* [i]I will assist in the hunt...[/i]

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  • [i]Blackjack appears in the courtyard, in his full combat gear.[/i] I hear there's a bounty... For the Marauder...

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  • [b]A touch pad is passed to you by the Court Knights. Marauder Felix: Accept contract: Yes No[/b]

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  • [i]He presses yes.[/i] A hunt I await...

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  • *The figure tips back its sombrero at the mention of the name* "Interesting.... Might as well hang around."

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  • *I sit up abruptly* FELIX! THAT IS WHO THE TRAITOR IS?

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  • [b]Taken back by your bombastic comment, the Princess nods with a concerned look. A touch pad is passed to you by the Court Knights. Marauder Felix: Accept contract: Yes No[/b]

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