Which one do you think will be better on shotguns and why?
Reduce Shot Package Accuracy buff by 30%
Rangefinder adds a 5% base Range increase on ADS (was 20%)
Reduce Precision Damage multiplier on Shotguns by 10%
Reduce damage against AI combatants by 10%[/quote]
Here's what they say they are doing.
I've made mention about what Rangefinder will be doing post 2.0. Currently, it gives 4 range to a base stat Felwinter's Lie when aiming down sight. From 20, to 24. After 2.0, it will give 1 range while aiming down sight. So all things nominal, 21 range. This is just going by the database stat of 20 base range. Of course, since it is % based, if the gun has more or less range from Ballistic packages then the number will be adjusted. I honestly don't know the numbers for Shot Package, so I couldn't tell you what the nerf does. I am inclined to think it will be around the same effectiveness as Rangefinder, so nearly useless.