This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need 5 for kings fall hard mode from golgoroth checkpoint. Please be 310+ with experience. Add: Clutch_Outdoorz
Gogeroth hard Xbox one Gt same need 4 more 310 or higher
Follow for [b]Trials carries[/b] all day and I do raffles and auctions and you enter these with stream currency (chains). Here are my stats
War preist hard Xbox one Gt same need 2 more 310 or higher
KingFall Hard (war priest cp and doing challenge mode) Must be 310 or higher Must have experience Gt: Aggroburn
War preist hard Xbox one Gt same need 2 more
Need 5 for fresh kings fall hard mode. Please be 310+ with experience. Add: Clutch_Outdoorz
I need One to assist me in Carrying my buddy through Trials to the lighthouse, he has never been. No kids or Noobs, stats will be checked add Nogarddragon720
Poe 35 for skolas
GT: PANCHO61917 Need - 3 Perferably Titans (Defender) 18+ Sorry no little kids. Must have Mic. Must have black spindle. Must know what your doing. Doing challenge. KF Normal - From START Message me on xbox. We're also teaching a noobie.
Need two to run two nightfalls I'm 319 on both characters I play xbox one message Boneslinger for invite
PS4 weekly nightfall PSN BSPARIHAR
295 Titan inv gt above nf Xbox one
War preist hard Xbox one Gt same need 2 more
Follow for [b]Trials carries[/b] all day and I do raffles and auctions and you enter these with stream currency (chains). Here are my stats
Looking for oryx cp normal 305 hunter gt thebostonredsox
Gol cp hard mode 314 hunter need 4 more message gt above for invite on Xbox one
Bored and willing to help any and all who need it. Granted there is no point in most stuff since the update comes Tuesday but I'll just farm exotic engrams as a result. 317-319 depending on load out. Add Wadeyy on PS4
Looking for Kingsfall nm. Compledet several Times No mic
Kings fall raid •HARDMODE• Looking for 4 people Message either myself or my mate for an invite gamer tags listed below! GT: Ganjakilla420 x GT: DankBBox
Looking for 1 GT same as above
Need 1. Hold your own. Chill. No flawless. Bounties. At least 5 wins for gauntlets. Gt KingCodeman99.
318 Hunter Lfg 314+++ at war p 320 weapons + Blk [url=]link[/url]spin
Looking for 2 GT same as above
Gt same as above helping out anyone today xbox 1
Looking for 4 oryx cp gt same 300+