This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Follow for [b]Trials carries[/b] all day and I do raffles and auctions and you enter these with stream currency (chains). Here are my stats
Need a little help on this weeks t3 please. GT is same as above. Thanks! Xbox One
Ps4 oryx at sisters wp Need 3 Add x-valentines-x
Trails Need 1 (nl) msg ACID BEER
Looking for help with the final sword strike, me and my friend are trying to get arc swords, would appreciate any help, Psn: Ravenator00
Need one for oryx cp on normal msg GETJOHNGREENZ for inv
Edited by Sarge5693: 4/8/2016 6:11:53 PMNeed help on Xbox1? Just ask. Sarge5693
Hi, We are always on the lookout for new/experienced players ([b]PS4 only[/b]) to join our clan - We are on every night and play Destiny and The Division so, feel free to hit that 'request to join' button and see you online. Whether you need help, fancy a Trials run, need any raid, level up in Division or mess around in the Dark Zone...All you need to do is slam a msg up and someone will help/join in.
Hello everyone this week ill be inviting you light house virgins to come too my stream and chill nd enter raffles so you light house virgins cann get your hands on the sweet flawless emblem since they are bringing in a new on the 12th!!!!! It doesnt matter how bad you are we will get you there my friend. Light house virgins remember you are my priorty always dont be shy and feel free to come by and watch for chance at flawless the only thing that most you grimoire fans need to max that out. Feel free to leave a follow anything is apreciated for such a young stream.
Need more for fresh hard kingsfall must be 310+ and experienced. Gt: Primed Predator
Need a fire team for kings fall normal mode GT same as above. Warlock 295
Lf 3 hard mode Warpriest challenge, we have CP. 310+ msg DICTATOR73 for inv
Come and check out my montage at I stream live Trials of Osiris Carries on the weekend and will try my hardest yo get you there for a simple follow over at Follow my twitter IcyYoung Yoda tp stay updated!! Hope you enjoy!
Edited by MR_Graham0728: 4/8/2016 1:51:20 PMLooking to join group for vog on either difficulty my character is a 253 hunter but I'm a recent console convert from playstation with all 3 characters being at least 315+ as well as completing everything the game has put out. So no I'm not a new players that has no clue what's going on. Know mechanics for everything xbox gt graham0728
319 warlock hosting PoE level 35, already started, need 2 at skolas Practising for the upcoming expansion Message over Xbox for invite GT: Fear King Hell
CROTA HARD NEED 4 MSG:jack040304
Any interested in helping me create a destiny Machinima (a game movie) I've got 133 subs on YouTube and 10 minutes into it need body actors add itisarianagrande see ya!
[b]Hello Guardians, DaArchitects welcomes you all to Destiny👍 *We are trying to build up a new clan would appreciate your support if you join us😇 *But as always there are some requirements to join the clan😧 So the requirements to join our clan are: 1.Be on PS4 2.Be Chilled (no need for trash in the clan) 3.Nope No PVP or PVE requirements(we do everything, Raids(Y1 and Y2),Crucible(Iron Banana,Trials,crucible for fun),POE(Oh yeah!) 4.Be 16+(Sweet 16!) 5.Stay active and Love the game<3 6.Timezone? Nah doesn't matter. -DaArchitects signing off👋 *PM one of us If you are interested in joining the clan Before leaving, **One last requirement if you join our clan you need to download an app called LINE (line) so we could communicate.[/b] -Peace Out✌
Look for a crew to run Kings Fall hard mode at Golgaroth whose also interested In Blowing shit up -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
looking to try my first nightfall could use some help ps3
Look for a crew to run a fresh Kings Fall hard mode whose also interested In Blowing shit up -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
Hosting a war priest checkpoint hard kings fall on two characters for the challenge then maybe to spice up the day maybe a hard oryx 314+ Touch and spindle for both events Mic's ( non squeaker needed) Experience and know the challenge Interested contact Bangbangboom276
Hey guys looking for someone to help me with pursue the echo mission
Hello everyone this week ill be inviting you light house virgins to come too my stream and chill nd enter raffles so you light house virgins cann get your hands on the sweet flawless emblem since they are bringing in a new on the 12th!!!!! It doesnt matter how bad you are we will get you there my friend. Light house virgins remember you are my priorty always dont be shy and feel free to come by and watch for chance at flawless the only thing that most you grimoire fans need to max that out. Feel free to leave a follow anything is apreciated for such a young stream.
Edited by KushMaddness77: 4/8/2016 4:08:09 AMLooking for some folks to play destiny with on Xb1 whenever. Pretty much down for whatever . Just need better gear lol & to merk some fools on crucible. If anyone down play sometimes add ItsVirus. Hunter - +298 Warlock- +168
Looking to do VOG on xb1, send me an invite