This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need 4 for king fall normal fresh add thincookies420
Need help on no time to explain ground keeper part, gt space shadow5 on xb1
Hi I'm starting on playstation and I'm planning on completing refer a friend quest mi name is marcoskuri7 I'm not new
308 Titan need 2 for nightfall no mic xb1
Looking for people to do nightfall with.(360) gt above
Need 5 for golg on normal msg GETJOHNGREENZ for inv
King's Fall | Hard Mode | Fresh Run ▪ Looking for 5 Experienced Guardians ▪ Preferably 1 Warlock/2 Hunters/2 Titans ▪ Black Spindle/Touch of Malice Required ▪ 315+ Light Only; Working Mic Required ▪ Will Be Running Warpriest Challenge ▪ 16-Blight Strategy at Oryx ▪ Add YeahItzJay & Join
Want some new friends to do raids, strikes, PoE, nightfall, etc with. Experience, light lvl, etc doesn't matter. Plz have mic. Ps4
Kings fall raid 310+
Looking for people to do all the POE on Xbox one. Msg for inv
Fresh run on normal have 2 need 4 add choogy-toc
Looking for fives for kings fall hard mode! -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
Need help on the last part to get tom please can some people
Xbox1 need I 316+ for ORYX GT same for invite or just join
Xbox1 Hunter 315 spindle 320 Tom 310 with CP at warpriest looking for a good group to invite me GT same
Xbox1 need 2 for nightfall GT same above message or just join no mic required
Need someone to help me beat taken and fallen to get the Boolean Gemini
Looking to run through king's fall on normal for the first time. Gt: Eagle Red3600 Xbox one
Just looking for some good players to do nightfall with on 2 of my characters or 1 if that's what you want Xbox 1 Gt as above
Kinda new just looking for people to play with...
Need 2 for Nightfall. Already in it. Add: Aston-Martin19
Running Nightfall x3 - Need 2; Add YeahItzJay
Need 2 for Nightfall. Already in it. Add: Aston-Martin19
Xbox1 Hunter 316 spindle 320 Tom 310 GT same
I havent played Destiny for a few months. So im kinda out of the loop. Im looking for ppl to play with and for ppl to help me get back into this game again. Im a lvl 40 292 light Hunter. Msg XOZV on xbox one
Looking to run through king's fall on normal for the first time. Gt: shogopogo Xbox one