This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need help to get the bolt caster
Nightfall need 1 xbox one
Need 2 for nightfall gt above
Need a raid team of atleast 3 people for final checkpoint of Crotas end, normal, Xbox one. If anyone could assist, thatd be appreciated
Hard kings fall fresh, msg ItzSpikings
Need 1 Titan for hard oryx cp
Xbox1 Hunter 315 spindle 320 Tom 310 with CP before totems GT same invite me
Need 2 to farm scarab I am 9-0 with a mercy message skdxdibbyd for an invite
Need 1 for trials bounties
Need 4 more people for KF oryx cp msg me user is gt
Hard mode oryx CP NEED 4 msg ACID BEER
Need normal oryx cp on ps4 add SneakySnail187
Need 2 people for the exotic solar sword Add Mr_Foster-d-_-b
Edited by Prophet_by_Name: 4/3/2016 9:34:21 AMNeed help on fallen strike. Add CQBiggie2012.
I'm a 312 warlock, I've done a hard raid as a 305 I'm very experienced, Have Tom, don't have black spindle coz I got rid of it but I do have a 290 one, Add me same name above, Self Rez Warlock, NEED A GOOD TEAM
LIVE!!!! Playing TRIALS !!!!!!! Come join the Madness n possibly Follow:] helping people out and having fun! Stop by in the chat and say hi! Join the Raffle for a chance to play sometime:) lets play n rage together haha
LIVE!!!! Playing TRIALS !!!!!!! Come join the Madness n possibly Follow:] helping people out and having fun! Stop by in the chat and say hi! Join the Raffle for a chance to play sometime:) lets play n rage together haha
I have an oryx hard checkpoint and I need five guys who know how to do the challenge and wanna just hangout and kill some things -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
Crota hardmode ps4 Need 1 At crota checkpoint Add x-valentines-x
Need some more people to join my clan. It's called "From Cali With Love", and we do all sorts of things (dominantly PvP). So if you're good at PvP and need to join a clan, just message me and I will invite you to the squad. See you guardians later!
LIVE!!!! Playing TRIALS !!!!!!! Come join the Madness n possibly Follow:] helping people out and having fun! Stop by in the chat and say hi! Join the Raffle for a chance to play sometime:) lets play n rage together haha
I'm Twitch streaming right now for Iron Banner as blackopsstabber1
317 hunter lf trials team or hard raid. Add fallen532
Hey how about y'all get of your asses an get rid of these streams raffleing off there time for views on there twitch they can either help or don't I'm tired of seeing there shit