This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Looking to join in on King fall normal mode
Need 2 chill 315+ for a fresh hard raid add psn above
LF4M Kings Fall Normal Sisters Psn : Pajowned
Edited by Katastrophic2012: 3/31/2016 2:41:28 AMLooking for 2 people to farm the gauntlets for my warlock on the echo cheer strike. Add ne as above and join up. I'm on ps4
Edited by our pet panda: 3/31/2016 2:35:31 AM320 warlock. Need warlock, hunter, titty for fresh. 305+ message fancyfawn448847
Atheon cp msg gt above for invite
My Destiny Fireteam Recruiting 5 experienced Guardians for my Fireteam. Please note that I am aiming for this to be a permanent and proficient Fireteam. Requirements: * Level 40 * 280+ Light * Must be fairly active (8 hours a day) * Destiny The Taken King * Xbox One * Xbox Live * 2800+ Grimoire Things to do: * Raids * Prison of Elders * Strikes (Daily/Weekly) * Bounties and Story Missions * Crucible * Trials of Osiris * Iron Banner * Court of Oryx Message my Xbox One account (ConfidentZeus82) if you would like to join. Once you have messaged me I will reply as soon as possible. When I do reply, I will ask you to meet me at the Towers spawn area. When I see you I will check your gear, level and light. Really hope to see some messages soon. Thank you.
Coming from 36o to the one had small clan a few came made the switch. Looking for chill players who are active and like to have fun trying to meet people one the one to play with. If so drop me a freind request gt same. See you April 12
318 warlock looking for 2 people oyrx challenge hard mode gt jabrun69 for invite
Need 1 for court of oryx doing 1s and 2s Add. clutchvL
Kings fall raid, normal, need 2 people, Oryx checkpoint, doing challenge, need to be experienced
Need 5 for big msg gt above for inv
319 TITAN looking for fresh fast run with experienced team
KINGS FALL HARD ORYX CP NEED 1, 315+ GT: Tkwe921 (doing challenge)
nf for xb1 gt same
Anyone on PS4 down to get the flawless raider trophy?
Having fun going to do crota and vog anyone want to join you can gt: its jammie
I'm game for iron b ,please be goodish,and don't be too under level..... My psn is: immabroski
Hosting normal kings fall need 5 300^ please know what to do msg for inv gt same Xbox 360
Need two on ps4 for skolas add fusion422710
306 hunter LF NF Xbox one * no mic inv
Hosting normal kings fall need 5 300^ please know what to do msg for inv gt Same Xbox 360
I feel like murdering skolas on Xbox one. Msg for inv
Looking for two xbox360 guardians light 305 and up, Zhalo 310 a plus to do nightfall. I have started it so msg for invite
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