This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Edited by Born Sinner: 3/28/2016 5:08:27 PMChaperon quest help on special strike
Edited by Rat: 3/28/2016 4:44:02 PMNeed help on new warlock help xb1
Need two for Poe doing all of them add grizzlywinter852
Need help on my new warlock join me
We need two guys for King's Fall on hard at Oryx. Be experienced we wanna get this done and be around 315. Message : Rakaka44
Need 2 for nightfall Gt same as above
Level 302 need help with exotic quest chaperon shield brothers help!!! Guardian in danger !!!!!!
Looking for a veteran to do the friend quest thing
Looking for refer a friend vet I just started a new guy and got the game yesterday
I made a third character (warlock) he is pretty low light and I was wondering if anyone would carry me through the raid I know exactly what to do and everything thanks for your consideration
[b]Tower Tavern[/b] is a laid back Xbox One group/clan that welcomes Guardians from all backgrounds, if you're a Crucible Competitor, Raider, or a Casual, you'll have a place here. [B]Due to our high member count and daily growth, we now require admins to approve join requests after a profile screening. This process is to help protect our members from spam.[/b] Link to page is below
315 hunter looking to do gogloroth challenge. Psn same as name
Kingsfall orxy 315+ need 1 titan hopefully
Looking for 2 to do kings fall normal msg me on xbox at FLARKPUSS98
XBOX1 titan 314 spindle 320 Tom 310 GT same
(XBOX ONE) Greetings Guardian. I like simple and short. We are looking for those who are worthy. The House of Monarchy awaits with a test. Start your journey with our own little test, "Trials of Monarchy" if you would like to join. And the first step is to join the group "House of Monarchy". The rest is stated there. Join us, or become the void that is left in our wake. - Infinixus, Kell of House Monarchy.
Looking for vet for the refur-a-friend quest on ps4
Want a fresh nm Kings fall, anyone up for it?
Anybody wona run SKOLAS POE
I need xb1 players for nightfall and kings fall raid 300+ fresh must know what they are doing and have mic add GUDDA GUNZ
Is there any kind people out there that would like to help me level up my warlock by playing levels and stuff xb1
Need a group for lvling a 34 titan gt: Itzmadestiny11
Atheon for not forged in light quest doesn't matter what level just need to do it PSN is sonic_smith
Kingsfall Golgroth check point 315+ im doing challenge need 3
Kingsfall Golgroth check point 315+ im doing challenge need 3