This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Hosting kings fall raid hard mode ORYX CP 315+ light Preferably titan PSN: SEPHMAN217
KINGS FALL HARD DAUGHTERS CP NEED 4 315+ GT: Tkwe921 (doing challenge)
Edited by AdoptedPretzel: 3/23/2016 10:59:22 PMHard mode Totems *312+ add XxFurious21
Need 5 for sisters normal message gt above for inv on Xbox one
Need 4 315+ for oryx cp need one runner as well msg GutChrist light level and class for inv
Need 1 316+ for fresh raid msg for inv
Hunter 300+ GT markAWESOME9104 Not much experience XBOX ONE Need a fire team to do kings fall normal first then hard. I ONLY play on weekends so be open then.
Hosting kings fall raid hard mode GOLGOROTH CP with challenge 315+ light Preferably titan PSN: SEPHMAN217
Need 3 for vog normal helping friends msg one big rasher
I'm just messing around in mayhem clash and if you want to play you can. No mic needed. Just have some fun.
Need four for oryx checkpoint add me
First time oryx hoping someone would help me out my light isn't super high either I just want some help getting better gear so I can do this raid better. Add SKIBUMMING (I have a mic) PS3
Hosting fresh kings fall raid hard mode with challenge 315+ light PSN: SEPHMAN217
Edited by jwalker12303: 3/23/2016 9:35:55 PMNeed one nightfall 310+ Xbox one
Help needed with Phobos for ToM message for invite
Need 3 more for vog normal helping friends anyone at all
312 Warlock looking for hm kf raid team. Know what I'm doing. Invite me psn gt same
Need 4 for golgoroth. Also doing challenge hit gt aka Willie will
Vog normal just to have fun and I'm not doing no time to explain so join to have fun msg Oxidize Vortex
Hey! guardians this this my exotic sword quest, level 42 strike. the sunless cell light 300. Xbox one GT AJC GONAZALEZ need 2 more
Hey Guardians! I'm going to be helping carry first timers through a normal raid any time from 3/23 - 3/28. To be eligible to get carried all you have to do is join my group, [b]The Founders of Destiny[/b] at and reply to the forum I have on there. The only requirements are 280+ light and to be ready to learn and follow directions. Essentially as long as you can get in the raid with your light and do decent damage I'll be happy to have you join. I am hoping the get multiple runs with different groups and to make this a regular thing so go join my group and reply to the forum. Thanks guys.
[b]Tower Tavern[/b] is a laid back Xbox One group/clan that welcomes Guardians from all backgrounds, weather you're a Crucible Competitor, Raider, or just a Casual, you'll have a place here. [B]Due to our daily growth and to protect our members from spam, we now require admins to approve join requests after a profile screening[/b] Link to page is below
Hey Guardians! I'm going to be helping carry first timers through a normal raid any time from 3/23 - 3/28. To be eligible to get carried all you have to do is join my group, [b]The Founders of Destiny[/b] at and reply to the forum I have on there. The only requirements are 290+ light and to be ready to learn and follow directions. Essentially as long as you can get in the raid with your light I'll help you out. I am hoping the get multiple runs with different groups and to make this a regular thing so go join my group and reply to the forum. Thanks guys.
Any one wanna do Vog on Xbox one and no we are not doing no time to explain
Need 3 for golgoroth challenge msg @ rubit0nyachest