This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Play against us 3v3 sweaties
Play against us 3v3 sweaties
Looking to join team for quick golgoroth challenge add stagsfan92
318/319 self res warlock need 1 for nightfall only requirements are don't suck. Gt same, xb 360, all that crap! Good luck guardians.
We are The FallenWOLFFpack and We're looking for any and all experienced players over 20. Our goal is to create a group of players skilled in all aspects of the game to form together and help each other complete tasks maybe you're not to good at or just need a fire team complete, and an environment where we can have fun and not have to worry about saying f**k to a 6 year old. The Taken King is here and He has fallen! With the new DLC the Destiny world changed for everyone. We have members who have completed almost every task availible who are constantly helping others, and giving advice. As a clan we never stop trying to improve the experience for the members wether it's our private chat group which makes communicating and finding partners easier than ever, or streaming new stratigies for players to learn. The FallenWOLFFpack is meant to be somewhere you can get assistance or find those extra players for whatever you feel like completing [b]Raids[/b] [b]Prison of Elders[/b] [b]Daily/Weekly Strikes[/b] [b]Bounties/Story Missions[/b] [b]Crucible[/b] [b]Trials of Osiris[/b] [b]Iron Banner[/b] [u]Requirements[/u] -[b]Must be 20+ Years Old[/b] -At least one Character Lvl 40/260light & 2 over 36 -Minimum grimoire of 3400 -At least 2 Raids completed -Min. PvP KD .5 -*NOW WELCOMING XBOX ONE!* We are now over 150 strong and growing rapidly!! Join us while you still can PS4 PLAYERS Xbob ONE PLAYERS Twitch We play everyday, Send deadWOLFF_, JefeOso a direct message through BUNGIE for PS4 and Chambers412 for Xbox ONE for Clan Invites. **INCLUDE ALL REQUIREMENTS IN MESSAGE**
Need one Titan for fresh hard
PS4. Need sunsingers for fun mayhem experiment. Add tardis011 and join.
Xbox One 296 Hunter Normal KF Raid Looking for a group doing a quick run through if possible Prefer WP CP GT is same as above. Thanks!
Two first time ttk raider need a fire team, if someone has time please message me: Prometeaner 114 (Xbox One)
Greetings Guardian. I like simple and short. We are looking for those who are worthy. The House of Monarchy awaits with a test. Start your journey with our own little test, "Trials of Monarchy" if you would like to join. And the first step is to join the group "House of Monarchy". The rest is stated there. Join us, or become the void that is left in our wake. - Infinixus, Kell of House Monarchy.
Inv me for NF
KINGS FALL Normal fresh . Doing challenge modes. Must have experience and a mic. 300+ light. GT: FAMINExOMIN.
Looking for 3 people to do a fresh normal raid. AUS based, ToM and Spindle highly appriciated. PSN same as above.
Xbox One- 296 light Hunter trying to run KF normal. Don't really care what CP. I've done some of the raid. The only part I have never done is from after Warpriest until the Sisters. Thanks! GT is same as above
Xbox 360 normal kings fall msg for invite
Hosting nightfall Quick join because all you have to do is kill the boss for rewards I done all the hard parts 🌟 message me on xbox1 for invite thank you and good luck!
Hey Everyone I'm ColdWar44 I'm new to Destiny on Xbox One I have a couple friends that play as well we wanted to make a clan and hope that people join! I do own a Ps4 and Have Destiny on there as well and know what I am doing! I need more friends and people to play with that's another reason I want to start a clan Now don't get fooled by The Clan Name I do take stuff serious but it's not just about me it's about people and everyone it's suppose to be about laughing and having fun! I'm very pleased to make this Post! I hope people read this and actually check everything out. I know there's lots of players out there that aren't in a Clan and don't like joining Clans cause people take stuff to seriously or slack off way too much! I'm making this clan for people that like to have fun get stuff done not argue and cause drama over the net gaming is to have fun! With your friends make new friends laugh with one another or just joke around! Now that I got that out there here's what we will be doing as a Clan! We will be Raiding every week getting all that we need done! Kill Atheon Crota Oryx and all the new Future Raid Content that comes to Destiny or Even Destiny 2! We can't forget about the Strikes the Nightfalls and the Story! If you love doing all that we can do them too! I am a PvP Player but I'm not just making it for PvP I would love if PvP Players would join to cause I'll start playing a lot more! It's also hard to find a decent group that's know what to do! Especially when Iron Banner is out I always say communication is key! Please Message me if your Joining so I can accept the request I don't always get the notification and would love to activate the Clan ASAP so Come on People Hive On My Thralls is looking for you! Please be aware we are not the cause of death of any Guardian in game it's at your own fault lol xD See y'all on Destiny!!
Hey Everyone I'm ColdWar44 I'm new to Destiny on Xbox One I have a couple friends that play as well we wanted to make a clan and hope that people join! I do own a Ps4 and Have Destiny on there as well and know what I am doing! I need more friends and people to play with that's another reason I want to start a clan Now don't get fooled by The Clan Name I do take stuff serious but it's not just about me it's about people and everyone it's suppose to be about laughing and having fun! I'm very pleased to make this Post! I hope people read this and actually check everything out. I know there's lots of players out there that aren't in a Clan and don't like joining Clans cause people take stuff to seriously or slack off way too much! I'm making this clan for people that like to have fun get stuff done not argue and cause drama over the net gaming is to have fun! With your friends make new friends laugh with one another or just joke around! Now that I got that out there here's what we will be doing as a Clan! We will be Raiding every week getting all that we need done! Kill Atheon Crota Oryx and all the new Future Raid Content that comes to Destiny or Even Destiny 2! We can't forget about the Strikes the Nightfalls and the Story! If you love doing all that we can do them too! I am a PvP Player but I'm not just making it for PvP I would love if PvP Players would join to cause I'll start playing a lot more! It's also hard to find a decent group that's know what to do! Especially when Iron Banner is out I always say communication is key! Please Message me if your Joining so I can accept the request I don't always get the notification and would love to activate the Clan ASAP so Come on People Hive On My Thralls is looking for you! Please be aware we are not the cause of death of any Guardian in game it's at your own fault lol xD See y'all on Destiny!!
Running Nightfall x3 - Need 2; Add YeahItzJay
Need 4 more for fresh kings fall raid message me Geordiie 99 for an inv level 298+ please and people wo have done it before and know what they are doing
2 looking for bad bitches who ain't got no ducking problems for war priest cp on hard!
Need a squas for crucible on xbox one. Gt same as above
Need 1 for nfall message me for inv gt Geordiie 99
Need friends to play destiny with ps4 Add vanguard3409
315 warlock up for anything gt above will help noobs