This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need 1 on nightfall message megapidgeot5 for invite
Need an active clan that won't get impatient with noobs. I really need to go through KF and not get screamed at by my teammates. Pls inv if u fit this description
I need help with quest. GT: gagevarga
Need help getting exotic sword just need to do the last mission msg me gt same as above 300+ light
Need help for the black spindle mission before it ends . Add S3CR3T-_-F6M1LY
Need one more for black spindle message GodsPromises15 or SourCherry37 for invite.
Need help with a few quests. GT: Gagevarga
Need 3 for WarPriest challenge hard raid message Edorsey1234 for invite
Looking for a guaranteed black spindle? Come to twitch! will be doing black spindle runs on xbox one and ps4 with viewers and his crew. Drop a follow, type in !list and add yourself to get your spindle!
Looking for a guaranteed black spindle? Come to twitch! will be doing black spindle runs on xbox one and ps4 with viewers and his crew. Drop a follow, type in !list and add yourself to get your spindle!
Need 3 for WarPriest challenge hard raid message Edorsey1234 for invite
Need two good players for trials xb1 BE GOOD
Xbox1, Need 2 people for night fall message for invite Gt: NobleUnknown360
Looking for a guaranteed black spindle? Come to twitch! will be doing black spindle runs on xbox one and ps4 with viewers and his crew. Drop a follow, type in !list and add yourself to get your spindle!
310 hunter hunter with quick res and a good snipe shot looking for a really good team to go flawless for ToO i have been flawless year one carry my own very well xb1 inv vClikZ
Looking for 1 315+ for trials bounties msg me for invite gt same as above
DOING HARD MODE CHALLENGE WARPRIEST •310+ •Have Black Spindle •Be experienced •Message as above 4 invite •Need 3
Need two trial for of Osiris for 8 matches to get bounty done Xbox one. Must be 290 light
DOING HARD MODE GOLGOROTH •315+ •Have Black Spindle •Be experienced •Message as above 4 invite •Need 5 •We can do more if you're up for it
Hosting kings fall hardmode warpriest CP (challenge) 310+ light Please know what you are doing No Sherpas PSN: SEPHMAN217
Need 1 for WarPriest challenge hard raid message Edorsey1234 for invite
Need 2 for touch of malice. Plz join
Need 2 for kings fall message gt above for invite Xbox one
Looking for a guaranteed black spindle? Come to twitch! will be doing black spindle runs on xbox one and ps4 with viewers and his crew. Drop a follow, type in !list and add yourself to get your spindle!