This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need 1 Osiris
Need help with last touch of malice quest quick. Add above, I'm a 299 Warlock
300 Titan Normal raid I know what I'm doing this is my 3rd character I already have 2 319 characters Plz be experienced with raid Inv or message x iReversies
Xbox1 Hunter 313 spindle 317 tom 310 with CP at warpriest GT same
LF2M challenge mode you need checkpoint Add Psn luckyminten
Xbox1 Hunter 313 spindle 317 tom 310 with CP at warpriest GT same
LF2M challenge mode you need checkpoint Add Psn luckyminten
Looking for two for trials message for invite
LF2M challenge mode you need checkpoint Add Psn luckyminten
310 lock with tom n bs Looking for golg cp normal XBOX1
Xbox1 Hunter 313 spindle 317 tom 310 with CP at warpriest GT same
LF2M challenge mode you need checkpoint Add Psn luckyminten
LF1M challenge mode you need checkpoint Add Psn luckyminten
need 3 for oryx cp. xb1 please be about 300+ light
Lvl 32 or 34 PoE for fun and grimore cards. Ps4 add Mugle1
I'm bored so I'm doing an easy vog run msg for invite if you want to join gt same as above
[b]Tower Tavern[/b] is a laid back Xbox One group/clan that welcomes Guardians from all backgrounds, weather you're a Crucible Competitor, Raider, or just a Casual, you'll have a place here. We are open to new members without approval. Link to page is below
Trials Xbox 360 GT- BIG BOY SNIPER2 Must 310+ Must be very skilled Must be a great team player Must have a mic Must have a decent kd Carry your own Flawless run Need 2 I'm a 310-313 flawless I will check stat but not to picky
Edited by Phoenix483: 12/17/2016 6:22:26 PMTired of joining a fireteam full of kids that sing and annoy the _______ out of everyone. Look no further that the Adult Gamers group. There will probably be laughing, cussing, and alcohol, but it's gonna be fun! This is an adult group 20+ for anyone looking for a group to play games on Xbox 360. No kids will be added. If your 18+ I'll add you under a probationary period. I will ask for a group vote if someone is being a pain. Post jokes, request, comments, questions etc. Please be respectful, not too vulgar, and keep things calm. You will be kicked for anything otherwise. Have fun and play hard! Good luck out there!
Need 1 for nfall. Add TheTroutMan25
Need 1 player to help me get bolt caster add speedydeclan
I need help on Phobos wizard. At end now. GT^
Need 1 at boss 310+
Need four people for normal mode king fall raid please be 300+ light HURRY PLEASE
312 warlock to do kings fall normal Message light level
Need help getting bolt caster add speedydeclan