This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need two for nightfall. 319 titan. Message on XBOX for invite.
Edited by IckleKittenBall: 3/18/2016 7:50:05 PMCan somebody help me with the level 36 strike? My GT is the same ^^^ XBOX
Need one for fresh nightfall GT above
Trials carries go to it's a raffle Stats 2.16kd 2255 elo
Need people for a raid. Add me and Join my group Flames of Serenity
Need 4 for Kings Fall HM Cp golgoroth ADD martinrazavi1
Need 1 for BO3 PS4 Easter egg. Gt: The_HIRIF
Come say hi in twitch @SxCAngelZ I am a true skill 50 with a 1.96 K/d. I have carried people 15-30x (depends on map) each weekend. I myself WAS a #76 on elo ratings till i have stopped playing on my acc and started playing on donors acc. I help people go flawless (75% guranteed flawless) everyday while trials is out.. And if you need help come say hi at chat and I'll hit you up!! And if you like my content, well hey follow up!!! Join the SxC nation! (^_^) Thanks!! O(^_^)o
Need 2 for ps4 nightfall. Add ties1234030 and join!
Add me: 308 Hunter looking to do raids
Edited by PrimeProxy: 3/18/2016 7:48:16 PMWe need 3 people for kf on normal, need to be 215+ Ps4 only Gamertag: xspace50
Need a few Xbox one players to play with Love to play and have fun too Gamer tags anyone?
Any one interested in running all POE. I'm a 319 WL. Need two. GT is the same. Send message for invite. Thanks! Xbox one.
Xbox One- LVL 40 (293 light) Hunter LFG to do the KF raid with (Normal) note I have only made it to the war priest so far so a cool group willing to let me in would be appreciated. I catch on pretty quick. And don't really care what CP. GT is same as above. Thanks!
Need one for Xbox one trials run, looking for 7 wins
Edited by kuhlowml: 3/18/2016 7:17:21 PMNeed 2 for trials of Osiris, have experience and be 310+ (ps4)
I need help going flawless. I'm not bad but my kd says I am. Gt same as shown Xbox 1
Need 2 for ps4 nightfall. Add ties1234030 and join!
Need 2 for nightfall
Need one for skills on ps4 gt same as above
Xbox One- LVL 40 (293 light) Hunter LFG to do the KF raid with (Normal) note I have only made it to the war priest so far so a cool group willing to let me in would be appreciated. I catch on pretty quick. And don't really care what CP. GT is same as above. Thanks!
[b]Tower Tavern[/b] is a laid back Xbox One group/clan that welcomes Guardians from all backgrounds, weather you're a Crucible Competitor, Raider, or just a Casual, you'll have a place here. We are open to new members without approval. Link to page is below
Need group to do fresh run of kings fall raid level 40 hunter 300 light XBOX ONE Gt: Sandpert Turtle
Looking for trials team! 1 312 nightstalker Add: thedoctr11