This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
I'm a 290 hunter who just wants to get strange coins from level 28 prison of elders. Any help. Please friend. Joshstadts
Need 1 Titian for grasp Malok farm must be 310 or higher
Need help leveling up my Lvl 23 Titan If your willing to help msg me Gt same
Xbox 360 2 good/ decent players Flawless run so don't sucks ass Hold your own wait at all times or just leave Message for inv... Will check stats
Hey everyone if you're looking for a clan to join you've come to the right place. We play everything PvP and PvE, so there's something for everyone, we'll even help grind new players to max level! We're trying to be a big community clan that can just have fun but at the same time be competitive as hell so feel free to join we welcome everyone with open arms so join today! Also I play on Xbox one but all platforms are welcome to join!
Looking for 2 for nightfall add Ban_Me_Ps My brothers account got banned so I'm playing on his new one he's 280 I'm normally 313 so if anyone could help that would be great
Xbox one Need 1 for grasp Of Malok Message jh810 for invite Have a sword
Need 1 for trials I have a 1600 elo but I'm playing on my friends account to get him flawless. Be good and have been flawless before. Gt:TheSantaStalkr4
Need two to help carry through trials I'm not terrible and have been close before Add me at EvanSlyter
PS4 316 hunter looking for 1 315+ light already started add and join me
Anyone want to help me get through missions to up my light? Stuck on a few username same as above
Need 1 for NF event started message Wigan sarge
Ps4 VOG normal Atheon checkpoint need 4
Edited by Calzy1987: 3/12/2016 3:37:58 PMLooking for 1 315 titan to do oryx CP hard mode add calzy1987 on X box one
PS3 need one for trials bounties
Need 2 for nightfall message me for inv
Xbox1 need hunter 316+ at sisters hard mode spindle required GT same
Hi guys, so since the taken King came out I have been grinding my little heart out to get to the lighthouse. Recently one of my friends from Xbox has come to ps4, he goes flawless loads and wants to carry me to lighthouse but we need a 3rd willing to help my useless ass lol. We are looking to do a run in about 8 hours or so, if there is anybody kind enough and good enough to help me plz add CANDY-AFRICA
2 needed for a fresh run 316+ welcome :) message Thom1nator HARD KF
317 warlock, looking to do trails for the first time..
Xbox1 need 3 316+ at sisters hard mode spindle required GT same
Xbox one Need 1 for grasp Of Malok Message jh810 for invite Have a sword