This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
I'm currently on 6 wins 0 losses can some good players help me out ? Add psychedelic-rat ps4
Need 1 for grasp of malok farming. Must have exotic sword. On xbox Message : drewsch bag420
Need 1 more for grasp of malok grinding. Must have an exotic sword Message : drewsch bag420
I'm leveling up my new Titan. She is at Lvl 19 and I could use help leveling her up. If you are willing to help send me a msg or party invite Gt same Fight strong GAURDIANS ;)
Looking two players, don't matter what you are. Don't matter if we go flawless or not. Just trying to get bounties done. 314 Hunter Xboxone; sidewinder043
Sunless cell for exotic sword anyone? Add Re-C-oN_
Trying to be apart of my first raid 308 hunter with spindle if u need 1 I'm your man msg GT same as above xbox1
Need help on last touch of malice quest ps4
Trials on Xbox anyone
Xbox raid or crucible you choice
Ps4 Lfg totems KF hardmode 315 light (3rd character)
Anyone got a norm oryx cp xbox1 I have a friend with me
Lf someone to help with last mission for ToM ps4
Xbox 1 Trials Of Osiris Flawless Run PLEASE HAVE THESE REQUIREMENTS •310 light level+ •Mic •positive k/d
Running fresh hard Crota - 5 spaces ps4
We need 3 others we have a hard gatekeeper CP on VoG. Message companioncube60
Need help for FALLEN SABER need more one for fireteam Xbox one gt same!!!!'
For anyone that's still playing Destiny ;) I run a regular raid team every Tuesday and Friday at 22:00 GMT. At the moment we are looking for a new team member that can commit to those days and times. We have lost one to the Division and maybe another will follow they have mentioned it. We also regroup and play Trials after the raid on Fridays and throughout the weekend. Hoping to keep the team together as there will be new content for Destiny at some stage in the close future and going forward into the rest of the year. If anyones interested message me on here or on PSN: theKAVS.
Need someone to play vault of glass
2.2kd on my main. On my third character now which is a 1.5. Holding carries on stream. So if you want to hop in and get carried. Twitch is: lllynchii
New destiny clan xXFrom The Dark We RiseXx doing kf raid weekly, Trials, nightfalls ect inbox me if interested.
Ps4 Lfg fresh KF hardmode 315 light (3rd character)
Xbox 1 Trials Of Osiris Flawless Run PLEASE HAVE THESE REQUIREMENTS •310 light level+ •Mic •positive k/d
Hello every1 ! We are doing the hard raid ! FRESH ! Looking for 4 Titans ! Levels 315+ light ! Or any 320+ characters ! Must have good communication ! Add me MuLTiPuL-SuM4DSs ! Doing Oryx challenge also ! Should get this done in 3 hours tops ! Get adding !
KF hard fresh. Trying to get better weapons to level up. Need 2 higher level titans that don't mind helping a few people out. Add psn above for invite.