This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
KF hard fresh. Trying to get better weapons to level up. Need 2 higher level titans that don't mind helping a few people out. Add psn above for invite.
Can anybody help me with vault of glass easy mode never done vog so I crnt unlock hard mode gt jabrun69
Need 3 Kingfall Normal Add me
Could use some help for the last step on ToM. I'm a 309 hunter and would like some help to quickly defeat the wizard. On ps4. Add psn Riolu3575 and join
Need 5 Players Kingfall i have a CP at warpriester Add me
Ps4 weekly nightfall Need 2 more Add seabiscuit418
Ps4 Oryx checkpoint Normal (we doing challenge) 319 Titan helping a friend out Need 4 Requirements: •Must have touch of malice •Must be experienced if not do not add •Must have mic Add and join Sammyboii12
305 hunter looking to do the Kings fall normal, done it twice but I am an experienced player, have all three exotic sword gamer tag above
Need three normal fresh , gt is same Xbox one
Need three for raid fresh normal, gt is same
Light level 299 hunter, golgoroth CP kings fall raid (normal) GT - LONDON ELITE 22 Looking for a entire team
Need 2 for nf ps4 psn same as here
PS4 - Looking for 2 for heroic strikes. Looking to run them 3 times with the daily. Add and join Dave_CFH
317 warlock looking to farm some strikes
[b]Tower Tavern[/b] is a laid back Xbox One group/clan that welcomes Guardians from all backgrounds, weather you're a Crucible Competitor, Raider, or just a Casual, you'll have a place here. We are open to new members without approval. Link to page is below
>Kings Fall Raid< {Oryx Checkpoint} {Xbox 360} Looking for decent players for a run through of the raid on all 3 characters of you wish to complete you're weeks worth of content. Light *310 + only! Message us for an invite! GT:Ganjakilla420 x GT:DankBBox See you soon, guardians!
Normal Raid Add-DnGp_Scopes
Two for PoE lvl 32 or 34. Just getting grimore cards. Ps4 mugle1
Xbox One- LVL 40 (291 light) Hunter trying to complete the sealing the blade quest for the exotic sword. I know the Strike is matchmaking but I was wondering if someone could help me complete it. GT is same as above. Thanks!
Two for nightfall. Ps4 Mugle1
Looking for people to do any level of poe, no squeakers gt same as above
Xbox One- LVL 40 (291 light) Hunter trying to complete the sealing the blade quest for the exotic sword. I know the Strike is matchmaking but I was wondering if someone could help me complete it. GT is same as above. Thanks!
Looking to start vog easy never done before on this char I know what I'm doing and can run relic perfect I have ice breaker,vision of confluence gt jabrun69 for invite
Vog need one fresh run msg light lvl
lvl 38 hunter attempting to level but can not get anyone else to help with the three lvl 36 strikes and am struggling to clear them solo with the chappy gear I have please help!