This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
2 for COE. Ps4 mgarten33
Need 2 for fresh run on Hard Mode King's Fall. PS4, add Smogonpls.
Looking for people for the challenge of elders on PS4 Add me: sillage2015
Need 2 for nightfall
Need help heroic strikes add oCriiMiiNaLx
Oryx hard fresh. We're doing challenge. 325+ Message on 360 for invite.
Need 2 for sigil ps4 add name above
Looking for 2 people to do nightfall with message ShamelessCub961 for a invite
need 2 for coe psn dougv10
Need two for coe to run three times to get 30k and 90k add me PSN is same as above please be light 320+
334 titan looking to join a raid starting fresh or at totems. Gt same on xbox1
Dear Guardians, The Messenger Of The Traveler has required me to inform you that The Traveler need people to spread the light through Destiny. To join, Search Messenger Of The Traveler (The first one) and hit join clan at the top right. Your invitation will be approved ASAP. All details on clan page. Sincerely, RedstoneMaster3 😘
PS4 nightfall need 2 add mrmadmen12
Need help getting a couple more calcified fragment. Need at least 2 people above 300 light. Add The-Great-Prez PS4
Thanks for watching this great video
Need two for nightfall IN BOSS ROOM, so join for a quick nightfall , message JustMatt22 for invite
Need two for nightfall , I solo'd it up until this point , just message for invite, don't worry about mic or anything or light level (I'm 335) message JustMatt22
Looking for one for nightfall we are at brothers now don't need a mic or anything just don't suck and we good msg MasterShadow76 for invite
Need 2 to farm for grasp of malok. No matter the light, just know what to do. I'll still explain if necessary. Xbox 360
Edited by MissTooPerfect: 5/17/2016 3:52:15 PMNeed 5 kf hard totems cp 320+ message Real Ahrora with class and light
Need 4 for fresh run have patience taking my buggy through the raid for his first time he is a 317 so help would be much appreciated msg gt same as above for invite
Running Nightfall x3 @ Reset - Need 2; Add YeahItzJay & Join
Anyone able to help me with the fallen SABER strike for sleeper stimulant please no mic req gt same as above
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